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Need firmware for 2 specific drives

April 11th, 2018, 9:51

I was tasked to look to get our storage to work.

In a Dell R720, I have two different brands of drives.

One has a custom IBM firmware and the other has a custom NetApp firmware.

Does anyone have the manufacturer firmware for the following models:

Hitachi HUC109060CSS600 (600GB SAS)
Toshiba AL13SEB600 (600GB SAS)

Thank you in advance!

Re: Need firmware for 2 specific drives

April 11th, 2018, 10:10

What are the issues with the drives, why do you need firmware and what tools do you have?

Re: Need firmware for 2 specific drives

April 11th, 2018, 10:46

In short, my RAID controller is blocking the the use of the drives and I am thinking it's due to the custom firmware on the drives themselves.

I am looking to re-flash the firmware on the drives to see if that will work.

I do not have much for tools.

Thank you for your quick reply ddrecovery.

Re: Need firmware for 2 specific drives

April 11th, 2018, 11:47

I presume you are building a new RAID as opposed to recovering data?

Here is a post about the Hitachi NetApp drive.

If you are setting up a new RAID, I would recommend buying 2 new drives. And stay away from a RAID 0 setup unless you have a good backup.

Re: Need firmware for 2 specific drives

April 11th, 2018, 13:28

This is something we are using as our lab environment, not production. I have read a bunch of articles that are mentioning the challenge could be regarding the sector size and am going to try to flash a total of 4 drives out of the 16 to see if they can be setup in two RAID1s.

I am looking for the firmware for the two model hard drives is all.

Thank you for your feedback.

Re: Need firmware for 2 specific drives

April 11th, 2018, 14:42

It could be that Dell expects a different sector size:

Re: Need firmware for 2 specific drives

April 12th, 2018, 11:29

That could be it - thank you for the article. I am unable to view the drives when I run sg_scan -i, but that is a different challenge. Using the megasasctl, I am able to view the drives, storage, etc. I will post an update as soon as I am able to test with a different controller.

Re: Need firmware for 2 specific drives

April 13th, 2018, 13:01

Using sg_format, I am able to perform the llf and the drives are reading in the Dell Perc raid controller now.

Thank you for your guidance!
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