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WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

March 21st, 2024, 10:13

Product Detail: ... 00NCH-NESN

Drives Detail: 2 4TB WD40EFAX
western-digital-wd40efax-4557273159.jpg (41.03 KiB) Viewed 7730 times

This case we got month ago and is still not recoverable we did everything but unable to get data folder wise as user required data only folder wise. When connect with WD my cloud box utility said no Raid configured and no valid volume found.

When connect to system both drive shows same partition table and 2 TB data written on sectors this is RAID 1 mirror but we notice both drive have some slow sectors in start around 450 mb 1 drive has more slow sectors than other we have image one drive as backup.

Every Data Recovery software we tried give data in raw and not in readable form then we did an experiment, Installed 2 new drives on WD my cloud box created RAID 1 and copy some data, when one single RAID drive connected to system DR software detected a valid partition and data is folder wise ok. But when search data come in raw

Which means WD My cloud needs healthy partition to copy data but needs any database file for search data. Both 4TB drive has slow sectors so we can think that the main data partition is corrupted and for raw recovery needs a database file to search data. The case looks easy as drives scan ok, with only some slow sectors in around 300 MB to 800 mb, but it is going impossible.

Partition info and database files are attached the database files are from 1 GB partition which is still accessible.

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Re: WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

March 21st, 2024, 11:02

Disksolution, do you have a PC3K or know someone that has?

There is a solution within Data Extractor to deal with WD MyCloud Data

I've never used it but some of my colleagues have so it may help.

Think it's a Linux File system so it's probably why it shows up as RAW in Windows. Other software should pick it up as EXT4 and if it doesn't then that's an issue.
Have you imaged both drives fully?

Re: WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

March 21st, 2024, 11:37

Was curious when I saw your attached partition file which shows what should be EXT4. Can you see EXT4 on UFS Explorer or R-Studio?

I know that earlier versions of FDISK in Linux struggled to see EXT4 properly where there are multiple partitions and windows is probably the same.

I know when I mount a Linux drive, I can see it UFS or R-Studio so maybe try there too.

Re: WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

March 21st, 2024, 21:40

the very first step is to recover the orig file system from the large partition. I would check if FS structures are at correct location, perhaps it was in Raid0.
Raw scan could also prove this. Also, if it was in R1, just comparing contents in winhex would show few or no differences. If you see the large partition content is different on the 2 components, well, it is time to consider it was R0...

Re: WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

March 22nd, 2024, 3:17

in UFS Explorer,


transformation-type-parameter.png (3.85 KiB) Viewed 7589 times

Re: WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

March 22nd, 2024, 3:35

Just FYI ... (WD_my_cloud.img.gz)

I realise it's not relevant to this thread, but I thought it might be useful for other cases.

Re: WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

March 22nd, 2024, 8:33

Yes tried everything we can UFS didn't show correct partition like above which means partitions are corrupted. We tried PC3K, MRT and DFL no success, tried boot from Linux ubuntu it show blank disk very strange as everyone saying this is Linux drive, Tons of recovery software's Linux, Mac and windows.

Drives show 2.2 TB of data when we search sectors with HEX, this is Raid 1 as both drives show same partition table and one drive we image so 2 backup drives already. We think need to diagnose database files found from 1 GB of healthy partition may be they are needed for recovery but how to use these files is a question !!

Re: WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

March 22nd, 2024, 12:17

Isn't it the case that the OS partitions are always mirrored whereas the data partition can be either mirrored or striped?

Re: WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

March 22nd, 2024, 15:26

the data partition can be either mirrored or striped?

yes, some more in-depth analysis would be required, not just running this and that sw hoping it would find something.
But this requires knowledge of the on-disk structure of the FS and raid metadata. Unfortunately :?

Re: WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

March 22nd, 2024, 16:08

Disk Solution wrote:Every Data Recovery software we tried give data in raw and not in readable form then we did an experiment, Installed 2 new drives on WD my cloud box created RAID 1 and copy some data, when one single RAID drive connected to system DR software detected a valid partition and data is folder wise ok. But when search data come in raw

Can you upload the first few sectors of the 3.6TB partition of each drive? I expect you will find that this partition is encrypted whereas the OS partitions are not.

Re: WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

March 23rd, 2024, 6:37

pepe wrote:yes, some more in-depth analysis would be required, not just running this and that sw hoping it would find something.

It never hurts to try.

Re: WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

March 23rd, 2024, 14:17

This is partition Table sectors.
(1.06 KiB) Downloaded 360 times

Re: WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

March 23rd, 2024, 14:56

LBA 6293504 is the first sector of the 4TB partition. If I understand @pepe correctly, you need to compare this sector on each of your drives. If the sectors are identical, then you have a mirrored RAID, otherwise it is striped. The hex content should also tell you if the data partition is encrypted.

Re: WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

March 23rd, 2024, 15:30

the first sector may not be very informative, most probably there is an LVM header followed by the LVM metadata, which should inform you about the raid...
there might be several copies of the meta, the last one is the most recent, use that.

Re: WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

May 24th, 2024, 5:50

This case is over without success the matter we found is from client side they tried to rebuild raid or something which lead to partition table corruption and MFT Records. Therefore complete Data loss accured.

We experiments with given WD NAS Box new created drives shows patitions and normal recovery method can apply.

Re: WD My cloud ultra2 NAS 2 4TB RAID 1

May 24th, 2024, 12:44

I cannot interpret MFT records on a NAS running linux based OS. Unless the client was after some VMs... but in that case the first step would be recovering the NAS fs...
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