
tbw ssd Ranking
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Author:  baiosso [ March 19th, 2019, 18:53 ]
Post subject:  tbw ssd Ranking

hi ..

does anyone have a list of the most reliable ssd (480-1tb) in order of tbw number? I understand that wd blue and evo pro 860 are the best or is there better? thank you so much..

Author:  HaQue [ March 20th, 2019, 5:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: tbw ssd Ranking

planning your system for the WORST SSD is a better idea.

even the very "best" which can only be based on opinion and some very minute testing/reviews (in the grand scheme of how many are produced) can fail.

1. decide a budget
2. look at available SSDs in that budget
3. do some research.. look at reviews, look at the controllers/nand and decide if you "like" what you see.

The more "important" speed/reliability or whatever, is, the more important a decent backup system is. Which actually takes the pressure off looking for the "best" drives.

Author:  baiosso [ March 21st, 2019, 13:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: tbw ssd Ranking

I know the strategy, thank you anyway for the advice, but I would like to assemble a decent one to use it as a principal, in my laboratory we use wd blue and kingston but I can't always connect the backup that's why I was looking for advice here, at this point I'm oriented on the pro 860 series , I hope I do not regret the choice, but other suggestions are welcome

Author:  samstown [ December 9th, 2020, 17:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: tbw ssd Ranking

I am doing the same, I've installed maybe 50 EVO 860 for past 2-4 years, so far never had issue and never had customer with this SSD.

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