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What technically happen if m0,2,2 etc command interrupted?

October 14th, 2020, 9:22

Hi guys, have a .11 drive with simple busy/lba problems.
After execute g-lits command rebuild via m0 command, several days has spent without terminal reply.
Now I was wondering what happen if i break this operation?

PS: have fully backed up mods before

Re: What technically happen if m0,2,2 etc command interrupte

October 14th, 2020, 10:16

You don't seem to have any other chance interrupting that operation (it probably hung somewhere already so it's not doing anything at the moment).
btw, m0 does not rebuild glist, I'm afraid you are not really certain about these things, are you?


Re: What technically happen if m0,2,2 etc command interrupte

October 14th, 2020, 10:45

pepe wrote:btw, m0 does not rebuild glist, I'm afraid you are not really certain about these things, are you?

I mean Trasl recalc. is this ok?

Re: What technically happen if m0,2,2 etc command interrupte

October 14th, 2020, 10:47

smecca wrote:
pepe wrote:btw, m0 does not rebuild glist, I'm afraid you are not really certain about these things, are you?

I mean Trasl recalc. is this ok?

Re: What technically happen if m0,2,2 etc command interrupte

October 15th, 2020, 3:27

yep, that's better :)

you could turn on 'additional diag messages' to see where it gets stuck.

Re: What technically happen if m0,2,2 etc command interrupte

October 15th, 2020, 4:25

Thank you Pepe, thats a good idea.
I will stop current operation for tomorrow, whatever it happens, and then I'll analize deeper termnal output.
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