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Why G-list entries are getting increased in this Toshiba

December 23rd, 2020, 1:33

I am working with a Toshiba MQ01ABF050 hard disk .It has normal detection ic pc3000 Toshiba utility. I could read Glist Plist etc.
However disk is continuous surface defects and recovered data is of no use due to skipped sectors .
Initially Glist was having 268 entried. I tried a lot and finally moved Glist into Plist.
This is not working and I am still getting bad sectors every now and then.
Now Glist entries are getting increased steadily as well (from 29 to 56)
What is causing these entries ? Why I am getting so many errors in reading.
I tried to read through utility including Glist damage in translator optopns but nothing is working.
Can someone pls. shade a light.

Re: Why G-list entries are getting increased in this Toshiba

December 23rd, 2020, 4:16

If you have bad sectors, it's normal that the G-List (Growing List) will also increase, since the drive will mark them.

This is a hint also that the drive is giving you: It can die fast.

Re: Why G-list entries are getting increased in this Toshiba

December 23rd, 2020, 4:28

Wo Thanks a lot pclab :D
Now I understood , Drives platter itself is the cause. Due to defective platter G-list is increasing,

Re: Why G-list entries are getting increased in this Toshiba

December 24th, 2020, 3:59

Hi Pclab
to my surprise , I was trying to save as much as data as client has approved it.I was getting lots of errors and many files /folders were in iproblem.
To my surprise when I was trying to recover for the first time ( disk was off overnight , temp. will be aprox. 15 Degrees to 20 Degrees.
Suddenly disk behaved obediently and I got a speed of 20 Mb/Sec without much bad sectors. I was able to copy aprox. 20GB of data.
Then disk again started giving errors.
So I am wondering whether read errors were caused by actual surface defects or some other reason. Is lower temp. enhanced copying ?
Those who have extensively studies platter ,its temp and heads might know the answer.

Re: Why G-list entries are getting increased in this Toshiba

December 24th, 2020, 10:58

Sometimes cold can do a little help, but I'm more inclined for a head to be reading more or less well and when the other head needed to read it failed..

Re: Why G-list entries are getting increased in this Toshiba

December 25th, 2020, 3:42

Yes you are right , though I have not observed while changing heads this issue might be occuring,

Re: Why G-list entries are getting increased in this Toshiba

December 25th, 2020, 11:31

... and disabling reallocation as well...
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