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WD 1TB Palmer

December 15th, 2023, 6:09

I bought unlocked pcb 800066-004, for repair Palmer on Windex

I am facing problem in Palmer with windex

How I can be sure i received unlocked pcb from china

I attached picture with unlocked pcb and unlocked rom

unlocked pcb unlocked rom.jpg

Re: WD 1TB Palmer

December 21st, 2023, 11:28

SALIM wrote:Hi
I bought unlocked pcb 800066-004, for repair Palmer on Windex

I am facing problem in Palmer with windex

How I can be sure i received unlocked pcb from china

I attached picture with unlocked pcb and unlocked rom


By being able to read and write any ROM normally, it can be determined that it is an unlocked PCB. For example, if you write a ROM for the original board or disk, it can still be read and written after powering off and then on again

Re: WD 1TB Palmer

December 22nd, 2023, 3:47

xgkj wrote:
SALIM wrote:Hi
I bought unlocked pcb 800066-004, for repair Palmer on Windex

I am facing problem in Palmer with windex

How I can be sure i received unlocked pcb from china

I attached picture with unlocked pcb and unlocked rom


By being able to read and write any ROM normally, it can be determined that it is an unlocked PCB. For example, if you write a ROM for the original board or disk, it can still be read and written after powering off and then on again


do you repair palmer on windex?
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