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Monolith PCBs

April 27th, 2016, 9:06

I found having only one monolith wire adapter per reader is a pain. I created some PCBs and was about to brag how pretty they are, until I found why there are revisions.. missed a dang trace!

This was a test to get familiar with PCB design software again. Now I am comfortable I am starting on adapters for Rusolut if I get permission from the geniuses over yonder.

I really wanted to go with sockets, but this year has been very tough financially with a couple of disasters, and I cannot afford to produce them. So I am looking at a range of wire adapters for different chips where the wire points are in good locations for the position of a chips signal.

Also looking at wire adapter + jumper array so we wire up some of these ridiculous BGAs and can change jumpers for different LUNs, but will see how all this goes.
Mistake 1:
top - oops.jpg



Re: Monolith PCBs

April 27th, 2016, 18:46

Missing track huh?


I never meant to cause you any sorrow
I never meant to cause you any pain
I only wanted to one time to see you working ....

Purple Pain, Puurple Paaiin...

soz mate :)
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