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HP MSA 2000 SAN keeps RAID Layout on disk

July 19th, 2013, 5:13

I am trying to puzzle together an array of SAS-Drives from a MSA2000.
While probing the image files, comparing the data on each disk, I noted something quite interessting in the header info on each disk.
It appears that, at decimal byte-offset 73728 (=cluster144) The RAID layout is saved on each disk.
It consists of the member drives serial numbers in the correct sequence.
By then, I had allready spent the better part of the day staring at the binary data to get the 12 drives in the correct order...

Lesson learnt;
It seems like a good idea to search for the HDD serial number on the raw image of the RAID member drives when assembling a RAID.
You just maight find some good pointers that can save you to have to solve the puzzle...
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