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DDI3 and Atola Insight Ethernet (forensic I believe)...

April 27th, 2018, 13:14

Is it inappropriate for me to mention in someone else's thread that I also have a DDI3 ? I'd send all the pictures, show it doing whatever someone wanted to see, etc - and they can choose the drive I use so they know it was created upon request.

Also, what would anyone here regard an Atola Insight (forensic) I believe. It's sata to the two drives, has a networking port, etc. I can send the picture. Its the model preceding the most recent revision, but works with Windows UI - not the dumb-terminal typical for the Bandura (I saw this to distinguish, not brag or crical of te

My question is - what are these worth?

And I'm open to transactions... I will PM terms with anyone who's interested, with only a ballpark of the degree of, sincerity and timing. :)

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