Discussions related to Atola Insight data recovery/Forensic suite, Atola Bandura standalone imager
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Atola Imager - who bought one please post

March 31st, 2010, 23:59

looking into purchasing this device just the imager from atola.

but like to know how many people use it in this forum

and has it paid for itself all ready doing recovery work

can you post what type of recovery it was and what type of problem the hard drive had.

hopfully if i get a good responds i know.
then i can review it on the forum ;)

thanks all

Re: Atola Imager - who bought one please post

April 1st, 2010, 3:09

Had you read a little further down the page, you would have found your answer..

Re: Atola Imager - who bought one please post

April 1st, 2010, 4:03

i know that there :wink:

but what i want to hear is people who have purchase this unit and
what type of test case they have had
and how well it has worked for them.

as the forum is dead on on this subject which im suprise ???????

Re: Atola Imager - who bought one please post

April 1st, 2010, 4:08

allso to point out that if a product is not talked about it will fail.

the only reason why its not talked about is people know how good this machine is.
and possible dont want other people purchasing it.

so post

1 what type of hard drive you recovery

2 what was the main problem with the drive

3 did it recovery all the data needed

Re: Atola Imager - who bought one please post

April 1st, 2010, 4:58

the only reason why its not talked about is people know how good this machine is.
and possible dont want other people purchasing it.

If this was the case, then why would you bother asking the question if you expect nobody to answer it?

There are a few owners of the unit here, including myself. The unit is nice, but it needs some improvements to compete with Deepspar.

Re: Atola Imager - who bought one please post

April 1st, 2010, 5:29

it be good if people talk about the products
so others know
and its good for business

Re: Atola Imager - who bought one please post

April 8th, 2010, 1:44

decided to purchase one of the imagers :)

coming very soon :)

Re: Atola Imager - who bought one please post

May 4th, 2010, 2:31

all i can say its worth the money. :)

nice product for sure

Re: Atola Imager - who bought one please post

May 10th, 2010, 9:58

...and will be better when it can make headmap and reading by heads...expected in the near future.

Re: Atola Imager - who bought one please post

August 6th, 2010, 13:16

craig6928, know exactly your point, I also consider a purchase of this device.
The dilema is if to buy it and invest the almost 2,000$ or not to buy whereas the other devices I can't afford to myself at all. I think that I will purchase it because I am sure that few cases that I can't solve now, I will be able to solve with this device.
Remember, even Rome wasn't build in one day.

Re: Atola Imager - who bought one please post

August 11th, 2010, 14:03

So Craig, can you give us your feedback?

What do you think about Atola? What cases have you solved?
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