Discussions related to Atola Insight data recovery/Forensic suite, Atola Bandura standalone imager
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Atola Insight Bug?

September 15th, 2011, 20:48

Been using the Insight pretty much problem free for 6 months now and very happy with it however one bug that doesnt seem to be going away. When im using the built in file recovery part, from either an image or an attached drive it will often pop up saying it has failed to write a file completely.

Have the option to retry or not, if i retry it writes it properly and goes on its merry way until the message pops up for another file. Is anyone else having this issue or is it just something to do with the system i have it attached to?

Re: Atola Insight Bug?

September 15th, 2011, 20:58

I get a message that says something similar and indicates a possible bad data cable. Best Buy did not have any eSata cables in stock so I bought a new eSata PCI card to try and fix the issue. However, I am still getting the problem. Wonder if others are getting the message too.

Re: Atola Insight Bug?

September 15th, 2011, 21:02

i will try a different esata cable tomorrow and see if i still get the error. seems quite random, pretty sure it doesnt do it on the same file each time but again will check that tomorrow. ive made the guys at atola aware of the issue and they are looking into it but thought id check if there was anyone else out there having it as well. apparently theres at least one! woo

Re: Atola Insight Bug?

September 15th, 2011, 21:10

i should clarify, ive got a mirrored esata raid box attached to the system. thats where the recovered files and images get written to. shall replace its cable and might change the usb cable going to insight as well though i doubt that is the problem but worth a go

Re: Atola Insight Bug?

September 20th, 2011, 11:51

We are currently looking into this issue. Just to reconfirm, replacing the cables did not help?

Re: Atola Insight Bug?

September 29th, 2011, 21:57

I just want to provide an update on this; the fix will be included in the upcoming release.

Re: Atola Insight Bug?

October 9th, 2011, 10:18

for anyone reading this, the bug has been fixed by the guys at Atola. Was a software bug. Works fine now!
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