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DFL WDII USB2.0 Repair

December 31st, 2013, 17:11

I would like to announce that we are providing our services to fix the DFL-WDII USB 2.0 devices that FAIL after the recent Firmware updates (5.0.1-5.02) at a competitive prices within 3 business days -only- from the day we receive the unit and we will ship it back in it's original state or successfully updated upon your request to the most recent firmware.

Exact fail: when you press power button the Busy LED will light in software but the same LED in the DFL Box is switched off.

For other details and prices
You can P.M me

Best Regards,

Re: DFL WDII USB2.0 Repair

January 1st, 2014, 8:54

so what your saying is if your DFL-WDII USB 2.0 breaks your do the fix with in 3 days only

but if someone who bought your item already

but has it longer then 3 days your going to fix it at a competiitive prices

here a qeastion i like you to answer this

if your new firmware damaged the units

this is your problem and not the customer who has to pay you to fix it

a lot of people will not like this at all as you should be repairing it free of charge and not charging anything for this

also please answer the qeastion

what do you fix after the unit gets damaged firmware ??????

Re: DFL WDII USB2.0 Repair

January 1st, 2014, 9:24


Do you have any relation with DFL in China?

Why shall we pay to you a fix that users can have for free, in same time length as you're proposed from DFL support in China.

Re: DFL WDII USB2.0 Repair

January 1st, 2014, 11:02

Not a DFL user here but it is not fair if there is a known issue about firmware update that bricks the tool and what's worst you have to pay to have it fixed... :evil:

At least it is what you can understand from the thread.

Re: DFL WDII USB2.0 Repair

January 1st, 2014, 14:27

Thanks for your replies, though I would like to state few facts here:

1st I don't work for DFL china and I don't have any relation with it.

2nd there are alot of users/customers that bricked there DFL devices during updates and alot didn't. so it is not a firmware bug as far as i see.

3rd I'm not sure about the time frame that will be needed to get your devices fixed with DFL china

4th what i'm sure about is that i have fixed a lot of DFL devices that has been bricked during the firmware update and they are working now.

5th regarding the time frame lets clarify that we usually ship the working item back in the 2nd business day. and i'm pretty sure that DFL china will take a longer time to fix and ship back your item.

Best Regard.

Re: DFL WDII USB2.0 Repair

January 1st, 2014, 19:44

im thinking they reflash the damaged firmware and reprogramming it with the older one

which is easy to do.

but i would like to know what they fix ?????

it possible a second party that fixes these units

but it sounds to be its official

end of the day a update that breaks someone hard drive recovery machine
should be repaired at no cost to this person

Re: DFL WDII USB2.0 Repair

January 4th, 2014, 2:05

I'm sure if the devices firmware got corrupted the DFL team would be more than happy to resolve the issue for you probably just for the cost of the postage (Don't quote me on that as I'm not from DFL, I just own a few of their devices and have had contact with them on many occasions on which they have always being obliging)

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