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Sadle G6

July 5th, 2020, 14:59

Hello there.
I have a very beautiful case of a Sadle G6 2TB drive that requires HM edit in RAM
on following the protocol and trying to edit the ram. The SA was fully integral on head 1 and it has been backed up as modules and RAW dump of the tracks. Converting tracks to modules results in 100% conversion without any checksum errors and the number of converted modules in number stands equal to the mod count shown on screen.

SRF was done on head 1 with clearing of 32.

1)WDR-Marvel recognizes the exact ram offset and they stand editable
The faulty head 0 is replaced with head 1 ...there are 6 heads, all of them work except head 0

So once the HM is saved as 1 1 2 5 6 7 ( Orignial HM being 0 1 2 5 6 7), marvel suggests it saved the HM and on soft-reset
the drive perpetually tries to find the SA. Consider, essential things as per protocol pre loaded before editing HM in ram.
Finally the drive resets itself after a while and shows signs that ram has been void of the contents loaded and settings made.
Marvel Detects the Offset in RAM perfectly!

2) DFL is funny now...it does HM edit in ram, however there are various HM starting offsets in ram that one has to select and align the numbers displyed in boxes. It has about 10 preset offset values. On the 10th value the offset shown in the box is
0 0 6 1 2 3 (5 6 7 greyed out ahead)
By that logic, there has to be a standard offset starting address valued at preset number 13 so that the numbers in boxes align perfectly to the acutal HM. But thats no the case since the preset offset values are limited to 10!

Firstly my query is, whether this model of drive is allowing HM edit in ram on DFL?
or on Marvel?
if so, is there any unique sequence of steps that I have to follow?

To highlight, I have done such a HM edit for ShrekLT and just swapped the cable to DDI, Did HeadMap in DDI, disabled the unrequired head. Imaged it nicely and got the case solved. Why not this series?

Also if this is doable in 3k, we have ordered a portable III and I can ask the client to wait for the next 20 days till it arrives.

Let me know where am I doing a boo boo.


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