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hdd sentinal values

December 27th, 2016, 13:34

Iam venkatesh Iam confused of values given by hd sentinal the health reported 82% &temp 41degree's but with same hdd iam able to install any os with out errors .My question is what should be the values of the attribute's for a healthy hdd .What are threshold, value & worst values this is my hardisk hdsentinal data How can i regain the drive to 100% health.
hd report.docx
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Re: hdd sentinal values

December 27th, 2016, 14:17

This is posted in entirely the wrong section, this section is for discussion on tools from "HDD surgery"

Re: hdd sentinal values

December 30th, 2016, 3:56

they spam like that non stop...
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