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crypto? just get the PC to tell you the keys...

July 23rd, 2015, 23:33

This is pretty cool..


I guess possible ways to thwart attacks like this is design algo's with fake operations that keep the CPU at a level state.. but jeez

Re: crypto? just get the PC to tell you the keys...

July 24th, 2015, 16:01

It reads like an extremely elaborate hoax.

If you have 32 or 64 bits changing state in parallel, how can you ever make sense out of any transmission? How can you differentiate between 0xABCD and 0xDCBA or 0xACDB?

Re: crypto? just get the PC to tell you the keys...

July 25th, 2015, 2:35

They are not differenciating between bits. They are noticing a set pattern of variance of frequency of emmissions by a set of CPU instructions. I think of it like if I was in a car getting driven blindfolded, I could tell if we accelerated, sped up, went up a hill labouring the engine etc. Now if you can measure each of those changes, AND know each road so well you could map your journey. Of course if you decided to do this as a very focused study.. AND no part of the test was being purposely obfuscated..you could probably get surprising results.

further to this, in 2014 there was also work done by the first participant https://www.tau.ac.il/~tromer/handsoff/ where they do actually get to a bit level
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