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Question about automatization tool

June 21st, 2017, 2:19

First of all, i would like to apologize, if that is wrong place to ask for things like that.

Since this month, i will be receiving a lot (10k or more) disks each month. They are not tested, i have no idea about they real state. I need to check each individual one, for at least basic informations about their conditions.

The easies way to check, if there is something to do with disk, is to format it in NTFS/EXT4 file system - if format is succes, then i can work with it later.

Untill this day, i was using HDD Docking station, to check HDD, but the numbers grew so much, that currently its physically impossible to do it one by one.

I've managed to make a work station with couple controllers and backplanes, that allows me to connect 12/60/120 disks at once, but i'm missing tool, or some kind of script to make format proces an automatic. Just plug disks, run script, check results, and plug them out.

Whan i need:
Scan for each new disks (ofc leave main disk with system file alone)
Initiate disk
Create partition table
Create partition and quick format it in NTFS
If its succesfull - delete partition, leaving just unallocated space
If its not successfull - prompt me a notification with specific disk number/port/location so i will be able to know, which one of my 12/60/120 disks is indeed damaged.

Re: Question about automatization tool

June 21st, 2017, 4:56

This sounds like a task that can be easily automated with Linux. I would also suggest to read out the SMART information and look for errors there, and perhaps do some integrity check on data that is written to the disk.

Re: Question about automatization tool

June 21st, 2017, 18:34

I second Spildit opinion. Just creating a partition and quick formatting will not test 99% of the disk, where problems may lurk.
Through the SMART inspection, you can easily discard a lot of bad or suspect disks.

Re: Question about automatization tool

June 21st, 2017, 20:08

by my calculations you have approx. less than 2 hours allocated per 120 disks.

120 disks per batch

8hrs per work day = 480 disks
20 work days per month = 9600 disks tested

this is as long as everything is going 100% smooth.

In my opinion testing is not going to be very good quality.
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