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Info raw copy bootable

November 30th, 2017, 9:16

Hi to all,
I'm using HDD raw copy for raw backup my hard drive.
Now I'm installing a new raid0 ssd in my pc, and I want to raw copy the content.... but there is inside the operative system, and hdd raw copy not allow it.
And, i suppose, reversing the operation (supposing I have a copy to load) to overwrite raid0 with operativ system with an .imgc or .img is not possible...
So there is a mode to boot the PC in "hdd raw copy modality" where I can perfomrm copy and overwrite also operative system" ?

Re: Info raw copy bootable

November 30th, 2017, 16:49

Is your raid native ( by the motherboard ) or created through the operating system ?

Re: Info raw copy bootable

December 1st, 2017, 9:24

Hi it is native from MoBo
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