
RapidSpar Update
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Author:  lcoughey [ June 21st, 2017, 9:33 ]
Post subject:  RapidSpar Update

A new free major update for RapidSpar was just released the other day to include the ability to read specific heads and to re-read skipped/damaged sectors with multiple pass imaging. I've been playing with it since the update has come out on an actual recovery project and am quite impressed.

1. With RapidNebula, can fix slow responding issue with WD SATA FBLite that gets stuck at BSY when trying to ID
2. Tests the heads to confirm that they all read and gives an estimate of how full the drive is
3. Able to directly target the file system and image the critical files first, with multiple passes (requires a little more work than DDI, but the end result is pretty much the same)
4. I was even able to recover the files out into two different folders, one good and the other damaged. Takes two steps, but it is nice to provide the client with a full list of their files in a way that they know not only which files are recovered, but also the files that are not. We recovered 99.8% of their files.

The test case is a drive that a computer shop who advertises themselves as a data recovery company, told the client that it needed to be sent out and will likely cost around $2000. Yet, had they used a RapidSpar imager, they could have recovered 99% of their clients files themselves. But, instead, they lost the client who had us recover the data for them for $350 in less than 24 hours.

So, what are your thoughts about RapidSpar? Do you see it as a threat or do you welcome the idea of computer techs not completely destroying a clients data?

Author:  jermy [ June 21st, 2017, 10:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: RapidSpar Update

lcoughey wrote:
So, what are your thoughts about RapidSpar? Do you see it as a threat or do you welcome the idea of computer techs not completely destroying a clients data?

the problem with computer techs is:

they don't know nothing about DR and of course nothing about HDDs (or any others (SSDs, flash Etc.))
they think that downloading a few DR software will solve any problem, and will get them rich in no time (2,000 bucks in your case)
they don't have the sense when its time to give up, or - in more severe cases (clicking drives for example) - not to begin with
in their mind, hammering a drive with software will eventually get the data out (and again get rich in no time)


lcoughey wrote:
Do you see it as a threat

a threat ?
not to me, but to the clients pocket, in the best case scenario or in worst case scenario to the clients data
so the rapidspar (will/)put them a step closer to this distorted mind

Author:  lcoughey [ June 21st, 2017, 10:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: RapidSpar Update

@jeremy, in many cases, you are correct. But, in the case of a RapidSpar, techs aren't going to invest $2000+ into a professional system without the intent to be more professional at what they are doing. Although there may be exceptions, many techs who purchase a RapidSpar will not only be able to get a more accurate diagnosis of a drive early on, they are going to learn as the move forward.

Over the past 15-20 years, I've spent a lot of time trying to educate my resellers. Many refuse to listen to my advice, but the majority appreciate my input and have changed how they do things to not only increase the chances of getting their clients data recovery, but also at a much more affordable price.

We all started somewhere. Many of the data recovery pros on this forum made the mistake of starting with Salvation Data products and somehow managed to work themselves to the point where they have PC3000 systems and have likely abandoned Salvation Data. RapidSpar is a much better starter tool which is great for the shop who partners with a solid lab who is willing to work with them and, should that shop want to move further into data recovery with purchasing more fancier equipment like DeepSpar Imagers or PC3000 systems, they can do so knowing that their RapidSpar system will still be a useful tool.

Here is a neat Mini Image of the Sector Map from a single pass (skip bads) cloned drive.
RSI-Mini-Map.jpg [ 33.22 KiB | Viewed 24429 times ]

Author:  data-medics [ June 21st, 2017, 14:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: RapidSpar Update

My only fear with RapidSpar is that if enough computer shops buy them it might clear out a good percentage of the easy cases. And, let's be honest, we all depend on the flow of easier cases to cover the expense of the time we waste on R&D for the harder cases (and time wasted banging our heads against the wall on lost causes).

Will it ever "replace" pro data recovery? Not in a million years.
Will it suck up easy cases and force us to raise our prices? Maybe, if enough PC techs are willing to buy it. Which I honestly doubt. Most break-fix PC repair shops are using free software because they're unwilling to shell out $79 for a decent data recovery program. $2000 might as well be asking them for a kidney.

Author:  labtech [ June 21st, 2017, 15:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: RapidSpar Update

Add locked terminals, encryption and all other random routine stuff that pops up on a daily basis.

As far as the OP's question: see it as both.
Mostly it is circumstantial based on a variety of criteria.
Bottom line is few want/can pay for the work and not many want to do the job right due not caring, ignorance, income, investment, etc. Terrible all around.

Author:  lcoughey [ June 21st, 2017, 16:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: RapidSpar Update

Here is an updated map after a balanced setting cleanup.

RSI-Mini-Map-cleanup.jpg [ 30.55 KiB | Viewed 24361 times ]

Author:  labtech [ June 21st, 2017, 16:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: RapidSpar Update

I definitely give major credit to RapidSpar for design simplicity and utility for the end tech-user. Those characteristics are not cheap, despite many expecting it to be.

Author:  datahero [ August 15th, 2017, 21:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: RapidSpar Update

WDElementsPort_05_EnvironmentalTile_1920x964.jpg.imgw.1920.750.jpg [ 45.07 KiB | Viewed 23581 times ]

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to know if the RapidSpar has a USB adapter that will work with WD USB Drives?

See attached Image

Author:  lcoughey [ August 16th, 2017, 10:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: RapidSpar Update

datahero wrote:
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to know if the RapidSpar has a USB adapter that will work with WD USB Drives?

See attached Image

No, you would need it's big brother, DeepSpar Disk Imager, with the USB add-on. Or, you could convert the drive to SATA and work with RapidSpar with different methods, depending on built-in encryption.

Author:  datahero [ August 16th, 2017, 22:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: RapidSpar Update

Thanks Luke

Author:  BGman [ August 20th, 2017, 2:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: RapidSpar Update

And how much does it cost?

Author:  myiannakou [ December 4th, 2017, 8:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: RapidSpar Update

It costs thousands :)

Author:  BGman [ December 4th, 2017, 21:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: RapidSpar Update

myiannakou wrote:
It costs thousands :)

Pesos or pounds ?

Author:  HaQue [ December 4th, 2017, 23:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: RapidSpar Update


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