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Atola pricing / configuration of the new system style:

May 4th, 2018, 7:11

I purchased an Atola system from an associate of mine - and after purchasing, which I did to assist my associate, I've learned that it's the [LIGHT] version - which I presume means I need to pay substantially more to upgrade to the unit than I think I was told by a knowledgable associate the purchase the Atola upgrade pricing to include the Advanced version.

I'm feeling stupid, of course. I'd love some advice and corroboration, or suggestions.

If I have the light version - despite the lack of direct access to this page, is it still going to be $$3600 to upgrade to this version?

If I old the previous version of the Atola, upgrade prices appear to be reduced; which version are the discounted models referencing? The light version? Advanced? Or variable ?

Thank you all.
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