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software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 25th, 2023, 8:02
by sonicmario
for test search badblocks and errors in external HDD is better and reliable Victoria or HDTune or other software?

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 30th, 2023, 19:10
by pclab
Use Spinrite!

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 30th, 2023, 19:49
by sonicmario
What is the use of this software? Is he the same as Victoria?

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 30th, 2023, 19:51
by Arch Stanton
It's the best. It's written in assembly language, so .. need I say more?

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 30th, 2023, 19:53
by sonicmario
Do you have the official link for it?

I don't know what is assembly

What is the test to check if the HDD is good? good health

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 30th, 2023, 19:54
by Arch Stanton
Dude, Victoria is fine. Detecting bad blocks is nothing else than: read sector > error? > no? then file > yes? then bad block. Don't make it more than it is. In addition Victoria will show how long it took to read the sector or block of sectors. Just try the freaking tools and make up your own mind.

Scan drive, determine amount of bad sectors, check SMART before and after and compare.

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 30th, 2023, 19:56
by sonicmario
Ok, I'll stay with Victoria but I can't find its official website, does it have Portuguese language?

many people speak well of Victoria

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 30th, 2023, 20:06
by HaQue
you are in luck, because "Steve explains what it does!"

This software is so good, it hasn't even needed updating since 2004, it is essentially perfect!

All joking aside, there appears to be a roadmap, with no evidence of any being actually completed:

from what I understand is it hammers the drive trying over and over (and over) again, until the drive says "oh.. ok then. I 'was' faulty, but because you obviously want the data, then I will magically repair myself, and here you go, your data is all good now". It is the old methodology of "If at first you don't succeed, then try, try, try, try, try again"

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 30th, 2023, 21:00
by sonicmario
In Victoria for test surface search badblocks and errors is tab test e repair?

Victoria not language portuguese?

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 31st, 2023, 12:47
by hawkinf
sonicmario wrote:In Victoria for test surface search badblocks and errors is tab test e repair?

Victoria not language portuguese?

best way to start test/repairing hdds is learning english (or in most case, russian). But google translator, and others are very usefull tools. You need to scan the surface, and if what to do if a badf block is found. Analyze smart. The majority of the tools are in engligh (or RU). Sorry, but you will have to live with that.

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 31st, 2023, 14:07
by sonicmario
in Victoria test surface search badblocks and errors é option "Test e Repair" Scan or quick?

External HDD to disconnect it from the pc just remove the usb cable or do you have to do it manually?

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 31st, 2023, 14:12
by hawkinf
quick you will have an idea how the disk surface/heads health are. If you get some bad speed, UNC data, that means your disk maybe bad. If it passes, then, if you want a more accurate check, you should execute the whole disk scan, because it is not guaranteed the disk is ok. Always remeber to check the smart data too. The SMART DATA+QUICK SCAN you will have a fast idea if how data is.

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 31st, 2023, 14:14
by sonicmario
I want the best test to check the health of my HDD if it is in good condition but I'm still confused with the victoria

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 31st, 2023, 20:15
by HaQue
if you have a decent backup system, it doesn't matter. The search for "the best test" is not a good quest. just because someone tells you it is "the best test" doesn't mean it is. a drive passing "the best test" may fail tomorrow due to some weird scenario. IMHO you are concentrating on the wrong thing. have a look at any test and it should show up any glaring issue. Otherwise just practice good data storage practices.

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 31st, 2023, 20:19
by sonicmario
I didn't say that the media is indestructible it could fail tomorrow but from what everyone says hdd is one of the most problematic media dies early

I have Victoria but I'm confused which test to run because there is a test that increases or generates badblocks and I want a test that shows the true situation and health of the HDD which options to check

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 31st, 2023, 20:22
by HaQue
isnt smart data good enough for that?

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 31st, 2023, 20:24
by sonicmario
Please show a print of a good configuration of the victoria to test my HDD and see if it is in good health and good to for archiving?

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 31st, 2023, 20:37
by HaQue

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: October 31st, 2023, 20:44
by sonicmario
i use other version, i use 5.37 video is different

Re: software test badblock hdd

Posted: November 1st, 2023, 4:35
by pclab
It's the SAME THING!!!!!

I can't understand your fixation on a subject that so many of us already told you and explained...