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Hard drives can be a lot of fun!
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portable HDD not holding its charge!

May 5th, 2015, 21:52

So, customer rings up and has bought a brand new powered hard Disk for backing things up at work. Rings me and after initial confusion about the problem, turns out she "charged it" all night with the mains adapter, and took it to work sans the adapter, but with only the USB cable... thinking it should hold enough "charge" for backing up her small amount of word docs!

She felt pretty embarrassed after the explanation!

You hear that these young people growing up with tech are advantaged, but I find they really have a VERY small grasp on the actual systems they use. being able to say LOL on facebook on a $900 phone with 3 finger swipes is not, IMHO, having a grasp on tech ;-)

Re: portable HDD not holding its charge!

May 5th, 2015, 22:30

you sure it's not a prank ? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: portable HDD not holding its charge!

May 6th, 2015, 0:25

ahh, working in education, you see some headscratchers, believe me! and not the students either :)

Re: portable HDD not holding its charge!

May 6th, 2015, 4:34

LOL :mrgreen:
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