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Crowdfunded 80's movie - KUNG FURY

June 1st, 2015, 20:56

This movie was made after over 600k $ funding on kickstarter, I'd say thats a high budget for this kind of movie, but its just so funny, look at all the references.


Re: Crowdfunded 80's movie - KUNG FURY

June 11th, 2015, 20:52

Haha... Randomly watched this a few days ago... it was (unexpectedly) funny.

Re: Crowdfunded 80's movie - KUNG FURY

June 11th, 2015, 21:18

Yes saw this the other day, very cool :)

You also MUST watch hackermans tutorial on hacking time - legendary!

Re: Crowdfunded 80's movie - KUNG FURY

June 11th, 2015, 21:24

Hahah, just watched. Classic.

Re: Crowdfunded 80's movie - KUNG FURY

June 17th, 2015, 7:18

HaQue wrote:Yes saw this the other day, very cool :)

You also MUST watch hackermans tutorial on hacking time - legendary!

I've done it the second after this movie ended hehe

Re: Crowdfunded 80's movie - KUNG FURY

November 12th, 2015, 12:57

aha Chinese kung Fu :D

Re: Crowdfunded 80's movie - KUNG FURY

January 17th, 2016, 1:56

A friend of mine made a parody about it, particularly the part when Hitler prank-called the police department:

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