Data recovery and disk repair questions and discussions related to old-fashioned SATA, SAS, SCSI, IDE, MFM hard drives - any type of storage device that has moving parts
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Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 10th, 2010, 1:15

My wife's HP laptop recently had a BSOD and on reboot, the bios gave a 3F0 error. It was saying that there was no disk connected. I knew the drive died and I hooked it up to my laptop thru usb adapter from an external casing to copy the files. When "connected" in computer management (I'm using Windows 7), it says device is not connected or something and needs to be initialized. When I try to initialize the disk, it says device not ready or something.

I try to leave the disk off to prevent further damage that's why I'm not exactly sure how the messages were worded. I'm sure it needed initializing and that it said it wasn't ready.

Is there a way to copy the files from the hard drive? The files are very important.

Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 10th, 2010, 4:22

That's probably just a partition problem. Does it make noises or similar?

Try with R-Studio or Get data Back to scan the drive.

Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 10th, 2010, 4:27

It keeps clicking when it's trying to connect. Once it appears in computer management (to initialize) it stops clicking.. I don't remember if I can hear it spinning then..

The bsod happened out of nowhere. I think she was on Youtube or Photoshop.

Can those software scan the drive? It doesn't show up in my computer.

Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 10th, 2010, 4:29

If it makes noises, it's bad.
Try to connect it directly to a PC without using the USB adapter.

Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 10th, 2010, 4:31

click of death.. thats already a bad sign of bad heads.

Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 10th, 2010, 6:26

Well it was in her laptop without usb adapter because it was the primary drive. Which is where I got the 3F0 error from.

Does the click of death mean there is no way of getting the files back?

Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 10th, 2010, 6:45

In general click of death is bad- thats why its called click of DEATH...:twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil:

In you case the files are recoverable but not using software. Sorry.
If you continue to torture the failing drive you will end up with a 500-900Dollar quote to recover the files.

At this stage using leading market hardware to clone the drive safely is suggested.

You can get Deepstar Image or DataCopy King ... but doing the math.. well :roll:

Good Luck :D

Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 10th, 2010, 7:31

So then I should wait to bring it to a store for data recovery using hardware. Between how much is it generally for that type of service? Just want to know a ballpark so I won't get ripped off. You said 500-900 if I keep trying to play with it, but I'm going to leave it until we have the money.

Also, just to clarify, the file integrity won't degrade as long as I leave the drive alone right? For instance, I don't have to rush to get it recovered?

It's just really important to recover as much as possible because my wife just graduated from graphic design and all her work from the entire design program is on that drive. She was not happy and it was not a pretty sight.

Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 10th, 2010, 8:18

Can't quote without properly determining damage. Ball park i would say maybe 200.. just guide line.

I will suggest doing it asap as further failure is not iminent but you know what they say.
"Kuj zelazo poki gorace" - Strike while the iron is hot.

I know a friend in Canada that can help you- but he is on the East side of the continent... so maybe a guru can suggest somebody closer?

Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 10th, 2010, 9:30

Does the BIOS see the drive ? If during the post the drive clicks and does not ID with the correct full model number - id suspect heads. Full diagnostics needed. Also could u tell us the specs of the drive? Model, make etc ?

Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 10th, 2010, 10:04

Just FYI, in the US/Canada those quotes don't hold water. If it's physical damage (which it sounds like), you're looking at a minimum $750. I'd say within the $750-$1200 range. Now there may be someone on the forum who would be willing to do it cheaper but from my experience with these types of problems, thats a pretty solid bet it'll be closer to $1000 than $500.

Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 10th, 2010, 10:32

Sorry - i meant start from £200.

Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 10th, 2010, 10:42

gavsiu wrote:My wife's HP laptop recently had a BSOD and on reboot, the bios gave a 3F0 error. It was saying that there was no disk connected. I knew the drive died and I hooked it up to my laptop thru usb adapter from an external casing to copy the files. When "connected" in computer management (I'm using Windows 7), it says device is not connected or something and needs to be initialized. When I try to initialize the disk, it says device not ready or something.

I try to leave the disk off to prevent further damage that's why I'm not exactly sure how the messages were worded. I'm sure it needed initializing and that it said it wasn't ready.

Is there a way to copy the files from the hard drive? The files are very important.

What is the model number of the drive exactly?


Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 10th, 2010, 18:09

I think it's Fujitsu MHZ2320BH G2

Aren't they all pretty much the same? Or are certain brands more expensive to recover?

Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 10th, 2010, 22:36

gavsiu wrote:I think it's Fujitsu MHZ2320BH G2

Aren't they all pretty much the same? Or are certain brands more expensive to recover?

It has nothing to do with all heads being the same or not on this drive or other drives. When heads fail they fail for a reason. In some drives it can take 2 to 4 head changes before getting off the data on your drive depending on the media damage and if it damages the new heads on this one. That is the problem on this. When you are quoted your recover cost it has to do with a lot of factors in this case. First off heads, how hard are they to match for your drive, are they available, does your drive have some media damage from the failing heads, did it put some scratches on the surface of your drive, will this effect the new heads and cause them to fail also.

Most people consider DR companies expensive. When repairing a drive to make it read again only for the purpose of taking data off it costs a lot in parts to do this one. When your car fails to run again new parts are needed to make it work again. Same as your HDD. We have to find an exact match and working part for this failed drive to make it work again. In doing so some drives are harder to find and get the parts for them. Sometimes it takes more than one head change if there is damage to your drive. So all this has to be considered when quoting a recovery on your drive.

We are not holding your data for ransom all we do is cover the cost of getting the parts to fix your drive to a condition that we can use other tools and get the data off it before it fails completely.

Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 11th, 2010, 2:05

poehere wrote:
gavsiu wrote:I think it's Fujitsu MHZ2320BH G2

Aren't they all pretty much the same? Or are certain brands more expensive to recover?

It has nothing to do with all heads being the same or not on this drive or other drives. When heads fail they fail for a reason. In some drives it can take 2 to 4 head changes before getting off the data on your drive depending on the media damage and if it damages the new heads on this one. That is the problem on this. When you are quoted your recover cost it has to do with a lot of factors in this case. First off heads, how hard are they to match for your drive, are they available, does your drive have some media damage from the failing heads, did it put some scratches on the surface of your drive, will this effect the new heads and cause them to fail also.

Most people consider DR companies expensive. When repairing a drive to make it read again only for the purpose of taking data off it costs a lot in parts to do this one. When your car fails to run again new parts are needed to make it work again. Same as your HDD. We have to find an exact match and working part for this failed drive to make it work again. In doing so some drives are harder to find and get the parts for them. Sometimes it takes more than one head change if there is damage to your drive. So all this has to be considered when quoting a recovery on your drive.

We are not holding your data for ransom all we do is cover the cost of getting the parts to fix your drive to a condition that we can use other tools and get the data off it before it fails completely.

When I mentioned about price ballpark and being ripped off, I wasn't accusing anyone of holding my data for ransom. It's simply because I had a failed drive myself and when I took it to ask someone for a quote, they gave me roughly $1000-2000. I took it to another place and they recovered 80% of my files for about $300 including a new 1tb drive.

Although the other place probably thought I wouldn't pay, so they didn't bother taking a closer look. I believe the second place I went to recovered my files using software for 3 days or so.

Re: Recovering files from damaged hard drive (3f0 error)

September 11th, 2010, 23:24

$200-$300 is about the price one should expect for just logical recovery. I've been quoting that for about a year now and it seems to be in line with what others are charging (in the US). I've seen some Ebay/Craigslist posts for $99 but most if not all of this is done by pirated software instead of state of the art hardware imagers capable of handling weak heads.
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