Discussions related to Atola Insight data recovery/Forensic suite, Atola Bandura standalone imager
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Atola Insight Issues, Please Help

June 2nd, 2013, 16:56

Hi all,

New member here. Picked up an Atola Insight Ethernet a few months ago. Overall it is working great!!! - a nice upgrade from our previous imaging tool. We've come across two issues with the unit I am hoping someone can provide some help with:

1. First, we've never been able to use the file recovery feature even though the imaging feature works fine. As best I can recall (it has been awhile), when we try to use file recovery mode and select the partitions to be recovered it starts the process and after a minute or so the application crashes and the Atola window simply disappears from the desktop. Right now we are recovering data on imaged drives using other tools but it would be great to have this functionality for the drives that require it.

Is there a preference file that can be deleted here or should we try and delete then reinstall the application from scratch? If we reinstall from scratch is there a simple way to import the existing job records we have saved?

2. Second, and more importantly, starting this week the Atola software now locks up during the imaging process on every recovery job we try and we must force quit the application to escape. This seems to happen typically when the imaging process is almost complete (e.g., pass 5 of 5, towards the end of the scan with many unreadable sectors). This has happened on every drive we've worked with since the middle of this week. The status message on the screen is often "spinning down and turning off target device." At this point in the process though the target device has already been turned off and spun down. Corrupted software or something more serious?

Fwiw, we've also received a few random application crashing messages on the screen during various jobs over the time we've had the unit. We are running it with Windows XP.

Appreciate any help, thanks in advance.


Re: Atola Insight Issues, Please Help

June 3rd, 2013, 5:26

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for telling about the problems with Insight.

Firstly, I would strongly recommend you to upgrade OS to Windows 7/8, because, according to several received error reports, Insight 3.0 has better stability on 7/8 than on XP. I would bet file recovery won't fail anymore. By the way, Insight 3.1 will support Windows 7 and 8 only. Read more here: Bye-bye Windows XP and Vista

The second issue sounds like a software issue. It means nothing dangerous happen with your drive. I would also appreciate if you send some screenshot next time.

Every your feedback is valuable for us. So please don't hesitate to inform us when any other issue happens. By the way, you can also use the official contact form for that. I read all support messages on daily basis.

Re: Atola Insight Issues, Please Help

June 3rd, 2013, 12:22

Hi Vitaliy,

Thanks so much for the quick response. Appreciate the heads up on the OS version issue. We will upgrade to a newer version of the OS and follow up with an update. I will also get some screen shots if the issue persists.

Thanks also for the contact us form link, I will use that in the future.

Great product!!! Keep up the good work. Looking forward to USB drive support . . . .

Re: Atola Insight Issues, Please Help

June 3rd, 2013, 13:38

Craig6928, thanks for the PM. As a new user on the forum the system will not let me send a PM yet.

Is there a specific reason you recommended the 32-bit version of Windows 7? Others have recommended the 64 bit version generally, unrelated to a dedicated recovery station setup.

If anyone else whats to chime in on this issue I'd appreciate it as I plan to buy the software asap.

Thank you.

Re: Atola Insight Issues, Please Help

June 3rd, 2013, 20:33

i dont see the point over using windows 7 64 bit

we tried both version of windows 7 32bit and 64 bit

64 bit suppose to run quicker but main issues are programs crashing
this can lead to a lot of issues and bugs in the software

plus there are a lot of pitfalls when your programming software to run in 64bit
this is why most programmers would rather use the 32bit as its a lot easier

32 bit is all you need i think.

just remember to disable services that you dont really need running
like windows defender which automatic runs in services
turn it off

but what would be good is atola products running in linux os :)
but a lot of people dont understand linux to begin with

Re: Atola Insight Issues, Please Help

June 4th, 2013, 3:09

hello here some information on the pros and cons of the 64 bit

end of the day the hard drive can only work a certain speed.


Re: Atola Insight Issues, Please Help

June 4th, 2013, 9:10


We always apply efforts to make Atola Insight working equally well on both 32-bit and 64-bit operational systems. So it doesn't matter how many bits one has.

Re: Atola Insight Issues, Please Help

June 4th, 2013, 21:14

hello what i was trying to say is

i dont see any benefit using windows 64bit over 32 bit
for data recovery work

Re: Atola Insight Issues, Please Help

June 21st, 2013, 6:41

With regular data recovery software, not sure about Atola file recovery specifically, 64bits allows software to use more memory and larger internal tables when needed. This makes difference when the number of files on the filesystem is upwards of 10 million or so.

Re: Atola Insight Issues, Please Help

June 21st, 2013, 10:09

With Atola imaging process, the host OS should bear no impact on the cloning process, as that is all being done via the imaging hardware.

As ReclaiMe suggested, the 64bit OS plays a huge factor in file system recoveries...especially when it comes to allowing for more RAM. But, it is equally important that the file system recovery programs take better advantage of multiple core processing, as well.
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