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Thoughts needed on Flash Doctor Kit

September 6th, 2014, 19:17

Hi everybody,

I am almost buying a second-hand Flash Doctor Kit which was purchased 11 months ago and basically not being used, so I consider it new, for 1000 EUR.
The price is not great for a second-hand piece, but since it's basically new and Salvation haven't upgraded that piece plus I get some very fair paying conditions, I can live with it.

Now, I have just been lurking around Salvations support forums and I'm a little shocked to be honest. They deactivated *ANY* communication means for new members, neither posting in the forums nor using PM system is possible. No wonder this forum is basically a ghost forum, it looks like Salvation is actually just selling off their stuff and close their business.

I've been away from DR for two years, can anyone tell me about the current situation with Salvation Data? Is Flash Doctor v7.0 okay or not really usable any more due to old technology?
Are updates to be expected or not? And lastly, would you at the moment buy Salvations Flash Doctor or would you advice to spend that 1000 EUR rather on someone elses product? If so, which is a good Flash Recovery product with chip-off capacities and possibly GOOD support?

Thanks for every reply,

Re: Thoughts needed on Flash Doctor Kit

September 7th, 2014, 5:48

current situation with SD is same as 2 years ago. Last Flash doctor update was over a year ago in July. Even if updates were coming, I doubt any use to be had for that tool. Personally I think even if someone gave you an SD FD.. it will cost you in wasted time. I don't think their licensing allows easy transfer of owners either.

I would definitely hold off on buying until ruSolut release their tool: https://www.facebook.com/rusolut as judging by the released details so far, I think a huge shake-up in the flash recovery world is coming.
Only other 2 players are Soft Center's Flash Extractor, and ACE Laboratory's PC3000... and normally I would suggest buying both of those to cover each other's possible lack of support of certain devices.

Re: Thoughts needed on Flash Doctor Kit

September 7th, 2014, 13:15

Thanks HaQue, unbelievable. In a bit over two years nothing has changed at all? That's hard. I actually wrote them an email asking for ownership transfer conditions, and guess what: I got an answer from Nicolas within 24 hours. And yes, they don't support second-hand pieces (greedy b*****s), I'd have to buy service time for 300 $ per year.
So you see, when it comes to sales they still do react. Also, their offer 'buy one, get two' is tempting, but I suppose they have a reason for that.

What I am most interested in is if SD FD actually works for most of the flash cases coming in these days. PC3000 two years ago was able to do maybe 10 or 15% of incoming cases, have they updated it meanwhile supporting new controllers?

I'll hold of with that SD purchase and have a look at this new russian product, they're more reliable than chinese stuff anyway IMO.

Would be nice if someone could give an opinion to my PC3000 questions, thanks.

Re: Thoughts needed on Flash Doctor Kit

September 7th, 2014, 14:25

FD 7.0.2 IS NOT BAD. Used fe, sd and 3k ssd, sometime fd has better result. With free update and support, sd is better than other 2.

Re: Thoughts needed on Flash Doctor Kit

September 7th, 2014, 19:26

Thanks for your answer, I would love to hear more opinions from people. There is basically no support anymore, would you still buy SD nowadays, lacking all of the latest controllers? Can you do most flash cases coming in with SD or hardly any?

Re: Thoughts needed on Flash Doctor Kit

September 7th, 2014, 20:24

With free update and support

last update for SD FD was more than 1 year ago. SD Forums for ALL THEIR TOOLS COMBINED gets maybe 2 posts a week. Not a thriving community and I doubt it is because their tools works so well that support is not needed.

Last update for SC FE was last few days.

Re: Thoughts needed on Flash Doctor Kit

September 9th, 2014, 3:08

@ Benko, I will sell you mine for half the price you mentioned ($500). It's rarely used as well.

Re: Thoughts needed on Flash Doctor Kit

September 13th, 2014, 16:27

Thanks, northwind. That's the price I paid now after all. It's not worth any more in my eyes.

Re: Thoughts needed on Flash Doctor Kit

September 14th, 2014, 7:10

well yeah, $500 is a fair price I think.

Re: Thoughts needed on Flash Doctor Kit

September 14th, 2014, 7:48

Good Stones wrote:FD 7.0.2 IS NOT BAD. Used fe, sd and 3k ssd, sometime fd has better result. With free update and support, sd is better than other 2.

Hi Good Stones, if possible, can you name 5 successful cases, controller and NAND?

I debated asking this question as it may be taken out of context. I am genuinely curious, I am not asking out of spite or malice or to try and prove anything.


Re: Thoughts needed on Flash Doctor Kit

September 14th, 2014, 11:00

AU, ut, ps, cbm and sm.

Re: Thoughts needed on Flash Doctor Kit

September 15th, 2014, 0:08

Good Stones wrote:AU, ut, ps, cbm and sm.

that really doesn't help. What controllers? each of those could be no XOR, No mix. What NAND chips?

does it handle different WL types? DDR? etc

I am interested to see anything that makes it a viable option to buy FD INSTEAD of another tool.

Re: Thoughts needed on Flash Doctor Kit

September 15th, 2014, 2:43

Well, there isn't :mrgreen:
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