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HD103UJ PCB swap

April 1st, 2017, 16:09

Consider the following two HD103UJ HDDs (Samsung Spinpoint F1, 1 TB)

Do they look at all compatible enough to try? I have read the following thread viewtopic.php?t=13430&start= where it seems there is a rather low chance of success with a PCB swap. I'm just curious if I will damage the healthy drive PCB too. I noticed the PCBs are not even identical.

Re: HD103UJ PCB swap

April 1st, 2017, 16:32

The two drives appear to have been manufactured about 25 weeks apart. Therefore it is possible that they may have incompatible firmware.

I would obtain a terminal log from your drive.

How to connect a terminal adaptor on a Samsung drive ?

Does your drive spin up?

Can you measure the following voltages? You could use your donor for comparison.
TVS_diodes.jpg (89.17 KiB) Viewed 11178 times

Re: HD103UJ PCB swap

April 1st, 2017, 18:59

Thanks for the comments.

Failure mode:

The drive does not spin up and does not appear to attempt to spin up either, does not it get detected as a device on POST.
Failure was preceded by errors of the following type (dmesg in Linux):

[390759.880000] EXT4-fs warning (device dm-4): __ext4_read_dirblock:970: error -5 reading directory block (ino 14082050, block 0)
[390759.880063] EXT4-fs warning (device dm-4): __ext4_read_dirblock:970: error -5 reading directory block (ino 14065666, block 0)
[390759.880103] EXT4-fs warning (device dm-4): __ext4_read_dirblock:970: error -5 reading directory block (ino 14057474, block 0)
[390759.881537] EXT4-fs error (device dm-4): __ext4_get_inode_loc:3922: inode #42467329: block 169869344: comm find: unable to read itable block
[390759.881759] EXT4-fs (dm-4): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[390759.881892] Buffer I/O error on dev dm-4, logical block 0, lost sync page write

This happened on multiple occasions, rebooting the server made the error go away, for days/weeks at a time. Eventually the drive simply refused to spin up.

Terminal adaptor:

What pins should I use for RX and TX? I checked out the link you provided but it is not clear to me what pins should be used since the provided example is a disk with more pins than mine.

The HD103UJ has the following pins available:

Also, where should I get power and ground from? Should I just find a ground pin on the drive and solder a wire there, and same for power? 3.3 or 5 V? I intend to use a generic USB to TTL serial debug cable, such as this one (which I already have):


I will try to measure the voltages.

Re: HD103UJ PCB swap

April 1st, 2017, 19:14

Edit: This is my third post in total, I made another post (my second post in total) to this thread before this one where I said thanks and posted some other information, but it said it would get posted after it was verified (since I'm a new user). I don't know why this third message got posted before it, if the second one doesn't show up soon I'll repost it. Sorry about that.



Everything else is open circuit except:

Vneg: 5 mV (starts at 4,5 mV then climbs up to 5 mV).
The two horizontally mounted SMD capacitors at the bottom of the last picture: 5 mV (also start at 4,5).

Re: HD103UJ PCB swap

April 1st, 2017, 21:04

All three voltages (V1, V2, Vneg) are generated by the SH6125B motor controller IC. Either the +5V or +12V supplies are not reaching this chip (you can measure the adjacent capacitors), or the chip is dead. In any case you will get no terminal output in this state.

Re: HD103UJ PCB swap

April 2nd, 2017, 9:35

Firmware version is printed on the label on the front if the drives.

Also, if the TVS chips are good, I'd suspect the motor controller, which is not an uncommon failure.

Re: HD103UJ PCB swap

April 2nd, 2017, 16:06

megauser31 wrote:Consider the following two HD103UJ HDDs (Samsung Spinpoint F1, 1 TB)

Do they look at all compatible enough to try?

Apart from the difference in the part numbers (BF41-00206B patient, BF41-00185B donor), I can only see one other obvious difference, and that is the presence of two shock sensors and associated opamps in the patient. Those same locations are unpopulated in the donor. I don't believe this difference would be of any consequence in your case. Perhaps there is some other subtle difference that jono-ats may be aware of?

BTW, some Samsung drives don't have the firmware version printed on the label, but the following example has it in two places (1AA01117).

Re: HD103UJ PCB swap

April 2nd, 2017, 20:56

fzabkar wrote: I can only see one other obvious difference, and that is the presence of two shock sensors and associated opamps in the patient. Those same locations are unpopulated in the donor. I don't believe this difference would be of any consequence in your case. Perhaps there is some other subtle difference that jono-ats may be aware of?

I recently did a PCB replacement on a 500 GB Samsung -- one drive had a shock sensor (and other components; the other didn't, and they were compatible).

The main thing is the FW Rev. I don't know how to ascertain the level by looking at the PCB. However, terminal can reveal it, esp. if you download the EEPROM contents.

Re: HD103UJ PCB swap

April 2nd, 2017, 21:09

I was thinking more of the difference in part numbers, BF41-00206B versus BF41-00185B.

Re: HD103UJ PCB swap

April 4th, 2017, 13:11

I really appreciate all the answers. I have ordered a new drive to actually copy the data onto, and when I get it I will post the results here.

However, I'm still curious how I'm supposed to connect the serial console cable.

My patient (and donor) HD103UJ has the following pins available:

What should I use for TX and RX?

Is it safe to let the USB to TTL serial debug cable get power and ground from a completely different source? Such as a separate DC power supply? Should I use 3.3 volts or 5?

Re: HD103UJ PCB swap

April 4th, 2017, 16:36

I don't know which pins, if any, are Tx/Rx, but these would be my guess:
jumpers1.jpg (41.48 KiB) Viewed 10974 times
jumpers2.jpg (70.81 KiB) Viewed 10974 times

Any pin that has a pullup or pulldown resistor, or both, would probably be an input.

To determine the interface voltage levels, I would measure each of the round pads.

Re: HD103UJ PCB swap

April 5th, 2017, 13:13


It works perfectly. Simple offline PCB swap, no issues. It spun up right away, got detected by the BIOS, allowed me to mount it and copying from it (not everything so far, but I assume it will keep working).

Thanks for the help.
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