Data recovery and disk repair questions and discussions related to old-fashioned SATA, SAS, SCSI, IDE, MFM hard drives - any type of storage device that has moving parts
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Hitachi 5475A9 Missing Rom

January 20th, 2019, 14:04

Hello, not sure if this is possible but worth an ask. Hitachi 5475A9 drive came into us for recovery. Noticed that the ROM chip had been replaced with a MOSFET.... after some back and forth with customer it turns out that their mac had been into someone else previously and they had rejected the quote for repair so it appears that company (round the corner from us and dodgy as the day is long) decided to sabotage his drive.

I did manage to find a board with rom from an identical drive, numbers all matched up and popped that on and it does spin but ticks and eventually goes ready. Knew it was a long shot but didnt have many other options.

Anyone know or who can recreate working rom or modify this one?

I realise that this could also have faulty heads but I dont want to open it up currently as im not sure where this job will end up going in terms of the customer taking action against this other company.

Re: Hitachi 5475A9 Missing Rom

January 20th, 2019, 17:04

Hello. Yup, ARM, NVRAM stored on the same chip.

Ill send him a message


Re: Hitachi 5475A9 Missing Rom

February 15th, 2019, 20:03


should you still need help with this, i can do it too.

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