Data recovery and disk repair questions and discussions related to old-fashioned SATA, SAS, SCSI, IDE, MFM hard drives - any type of storage device that has moving parts
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Head replacement for Samsung Spinpoint Momentus ST1000LM024

December 27th, 2023, 11:51

Hello, I have got the following HDD: Samsung Spinpoint Momentus 1TB

S/N: S31CJ9HF407683
Model: ST1000LM024
LBA 1,953,525,168
P/N: F1863-G94A-A5JZJ

It does spin and the head tries to go into place, however head wire is broken as seen in the pictures.
What would be the best course of action to repair it?
I tried to find the exact same HDD to replace the head, but no luck, what would be a suitable donor for it?
Attached some pictures and a video
HDD Label

HDD Broken Header 1

HDD Broken Header 1

Re: Head replacement for Samsung Spinpoint Momentus ST1000LM

December 27th, 2023, 14:26


contacting somebody with the proper knowledge and tools was not an option before screwing it up like that? I guess the heads weren't like that when you opened the drive on the kitchen table, were they? I suspect u2b behind the scenes...
This poor drive doesn't need much more torture, you have like 0 chance to recover it as a first dr attempt.


Re: Head replacement for Samsung Spinpoint Momentus ST1000LM

January 2nd, 2024, 6:25

You're very lucky. As shown in your video, the heads were unable to climb on the surfaces, otherwise it 'd be game over.
The drive is tortured badly. If the data is of any importance, a skilled engineer must examine it to see if it still stands any chance.
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