Data recovery and disk repair questions and discussions related to old-fashioned SATA, SAS, SCSI, IDE, MFM hard drives - any type of storage device that has moving parts
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Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

January 24th, 2010, 14:02

Hi there,
I have locked WD2500BEVS-22USTO and I need help with 22.bin-file, because I can't find the password. I have tried to find the answer from other threads how to read the 22.bin-file (made with "M0RBI0US" MHDD insructions), but I don't understand where password starts and ends. If someone would tell me password start and end offset from my 22.bin-file I would be pleased. Thanks.
22 bin.JPG

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

January 24th, 2010, 15:38

You'll need to follow these instructions for entering the password into mhdd:
is0-mick wrote:I actually just figured out a way to do it with MHDD.

If you convert the hex into decimal

You can then hold down the ALT-GR key, then on the numeric keypad type the decimal code (3 digits pad with 00s), and it will give you the asc character for that number :)

so the master password was:
14 24 16 17 2D 31 05 02 (hex)

which decimal is
20 36 22 23 45 49 5 2

so I held alt-gr and typed 020 036 022 023 045 049 005 002 (you need to release the alt-gr key after each 3 digits typed)

drive unlocked!
Replacing of course your password. You can use any online hex to dec converter. Just make sure you convert each double digit hex value on its own. If you try to type in the whole string of numbers at once, you'll get the wrong result.

Your password in hex may be:
32 00 20 00 55 ff 00 01

In decimal:
050 000 032 000 085 255 000 001

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

January 24th, 2010, 19:20

"Your password in hex may be:
32 00 20 00 55 ff 00 01

In decimal:
050 000 032 000 085 255 000 001"

Not right one, I tried to unlock as user and master but doesn't work....

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 1st, 2010, 4:57


I followed the instructions and dump out 21 and 22 but what I got don't see to be the same.....

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 7th, 2010, 19:58

hi guys
For unknown reason I got my hdd wd2500bevt locked with a password at maximum security
I've read the forum and tryed run the script below in MHDD 4.5 but it gives me
"unknown command" and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I don't care about data in disk, just want my hardware back.
Can anyone PLEASE point out my mistake? Thanks.

; rm modul id 42
regs = $57 $44 $43 $00 $00 $a0 $8a
regs = $00 $02 $00 $00 $0F $E0 $21
sectorsto = 42.bin
; End.

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 7th, 2010, 20:39

so erasing my post means i should hang in here? if thats the case, i just wanna know how to create a script that works in Mhhd , because the ones im using MHHD tells me are the wrong version. i have a xbox locked drive and the mster passwords dont work, im using MHHD tha comes in hirens boot cd. everithing seems ok but i canot use any scripts due to them being in the wrong version, i dont wanna bother until i get the scripts running, thanks for any help. and if you earse a post , please be kind and send a message. Thanks :D

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 7th, 2010, 20:47

Abispac, you need to get the right version of MHDD. Do a search and you will find what you need.

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 8th, 2010, 1:04

phishin_ca wrote:Abispac, you need to get the right version of MHDD. Do a search and you will find what you need.

is it 4.5? will the scripts work on this version? thats what i i got me a hex editor, saved files and im a test them all.I also wonder if i put the scripts in the scripts folder or the batch folder? hope it works this time.

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 8th, 2010, 15:34

ok i manage to run the script but i get drive reports error. any solutions for this?

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 8th, 2010, 16:04

abispac wrote:ok i manage to run the script but i get drive reports error. any solutions for this?

i created cs.bin with a hex editor. if tha helps

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 8th, 2010, 18:16

either i dont have enough privileges cus i dont see the edit button, anyway i manage to create a 22.bin file but since in running out of a cd im not able to save the file, so i wrothe the numbers with a hex editor, on one line i get 01-53-7c-42-4c-4e-50-4d-4d-32-48-38-43-4b-52-4c-56-42-4b-45-55-7c and in another line i get 00-01-07-00-3e-a8-00-42-dc-3e-24-f5-c5-6a-45-69-01-e6-0d-78-08-c9-86-f2 wich look liwe weird characters, can anyone help me to figure the password, thanks for any help.
(32 Bytes) Downloaded 1673 times
(24 Bytes) Downloaded 1524 times

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 8th, 2010, 19:01

Heres a pic of the screen, can anyone help me guess what py password is?

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 8th, 2010, 22:04

SUCKY picture , here are better ones, i know somewhere betewn lines 130 to 160 its the password, just seem to get it to work, please just help me find it, thanks for any help.

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 8th, 2010, 22:24

SUCKY picture , here are better ones, i know somewhere betewn lines 130 to 160 its the password, just seem to get it to work, please just help me find it, thanks for any help.

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 9th, 2010, 11:10

hi guys
Im stuck at the same point as Luda -> No DRQ error
anybody has manual for 'ATAPWD' and/or 'ZU'

can an ENHANCED SECURITY ERASE free my hdd?
can anyone tell me how to do it?

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 9th, 2010, 16:34

Hi, i obtain this 22.bin but i don't know where is the password, and if it is master o user password. Can any one help me? Thanks!!
(512 Bytes) Downloaded 2299 times

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 9th, 2010, 22:45

help anyone?

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 10th, 2010, 18:15

I know someone here its looking at this message and thinks (o what a stupid dork, the password its right there, i wont help him out because its very easy to see) the true its, i know alot about MAME,Xbox,Front Ends, and more, but got allmost no clue on how to read ths fuking thing, if someone can help and let me know what the password is it would be much appreciated, please dont let me think this forum its full of smart asses jerks that think everyone should know everything, SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH, yes ive searchd and got this far, now i need a bit of help. Thanks for reading.

Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 11th, 2010, 15:26

this topic has already gone beyond tolerance :)
Such info should not be publicly available. And once it is, I agree with you , use your brain.


Re: Unlocking ATA Password for Western Digital

February 13th, 2010, 0:18

abispac wrote:I know someone here its looking at this message and thinks (o what a stupid dork, the password its right there, i wont help him out because its very easy to see) the true its, i know alot about MAME,Xbox,Front Ends, and more, but got allmost no clue on how to read ths fuking thing, if someone can help and let me know what the password is it would be much appreciated, please dont let me think this forum its full of smart asses jerks that think everyone should know everything, SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH, yes ive searchd and got this far, now i need a bit of help. Thanks for reading.

I share your annoyance.

I haven't read the whole thread, but if you are ready to give up, why not buy a second HD of the same model and same firmware version. Then run the MHDD script against it, and save the BINs. Next create your own passwords, eg MASTERPWD and USERPWD. Run the MHDD script again and compare the BINs. That should tell you where the passwords are located and how they are encoded, if applicable.

In Windows you could use the File Compare command in a DOS window:

fc /b old.bin new.bin

If the passwords are plain text, then all is well. If not, then experiment by comparing passwords such as AAAA against BBBB, and so on.

Good luck.

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