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ProcessRWError -Read- on a Seagate Momentus drive

December 1st, 2018, 10:00


I have currently a Seagate Momentus drive, that has a full G-List. The first problem of the drive was, that it was not able to relocate sectors, so I turned it off via Terminal. After that procedure I was able to read large portions of data from the drive. But currently I'm a little bit stucked. On the area, where I have large portions of needed Data, PC-3000 DE shows "bad blocks" and I get "ProcessRWError -Read- .... " errors in terminal. I also tried to patch file 93 and turned everything off besides Additional messages in Terminal, but I still got a lot of Errors. - On every head. But if I open the sector in sector edit and try to read the sector a couple of times, I get the Data, the real Data and not garbage.

The owner of the drive told me, that he was using the drive to the day, he brought it to me.

Is there something I can do? The drive is reading, but it has to re-read the data a couple of times, so it takes very long. Is there something I can do to speed up the process?

And two questions:
Might it help to clear the SMART or the G-List, or am I going to loose Data, if I clear it?

Re: ProcessRWError -Read- on a Seagate Momentus drive

December 1st, 2018, 10:48

And the model of drive is?

Re: ProcessRWError -Read- on a Seagate Momentus drive

December 1st, 2018, 10:54

mr_spokk wrote:And the model of drive is?

ST9750420AS - it's a Desaru-Family (F3) drive.
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