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SCSI Disk Copy Linux Debian

August 20th, 2007, 8:58


I will be honest (I have no idea about Linux) Here is my million dollar question :evil:

1: How can I view which disk is mapped to which device ( sd1 , hd1 etc etc)
2: I need to make sure that the disk I copy is the correct model and serial number
3: I need to copy the SCSI disk to a file on the Linux system

Any help much appreciated!

LinuxIdeot :oops:

Re: SCSI Disk Copy Linux Debian

August 20th, 2007, 11:33

"sudo fdisk -L" displays the list of disks connected to your computer. From there you can find out which disk is connected to which device and then mount it with the "sudo mount /dev/device /mnt/where_to_mount". Furthermore if you want to find out things like serial numbers etc you can have a look at the dmesg command. It displays everthing what's going on when booting.
To copy use the cp command. Check "man cp" for further details.

Re: SCSI Disk Copy Linux Debian

August 20th, 2007, 11:56

it's fdisk -l and not -L. Sorry for the mistake. And one more thing. You don't have to go through dmesg to get the serial number. There is a command "sudo hdparm -i /dev/hdX" where hdX is the device that you want to get serial number of. It can also do some other nice things. Just typing "hdparm" will give you a list of options. Tested on ubuntu 7.04 (based on debian).

Re: SCSI Disk Copy Linux Debian

August 21st, 2007, 5:38

Thanks for the info! :)

Re: SCSI Disk Copy Linux Debian

August 21st, 2007, 11:47

you're welcome :) Feel free to pm me or contact if you have some other problems concerning linux (but keep in mind that I'm not some kind of a linux guru.. I just use it from time to time ;)
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