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Macbook Retina A1534 NAND

March 10th, 2023, 20:26

Hi all,
I will precede my question with this: Much of the work I do is research based, and I am always willing to try to do what is often referred to as "impossible"

With that, I am currently attempting data recovery from an A1534 Macbook with two LGA60 TH58XGT1JFLLDVL NAND ICs (CE ID 983CA5937E).

I have successfully dumped the entire contents of both NAND ICs. I know that these machines most likely had file vault enabled by default. I care less about that than I do identifying the page allocation for the NAND. For that ID, page size is 16K, plane is 4276, and block size is 256.

Does anyone have any info on ECC and SA for this NAND from this, or any other apple device?

I'll cross the encryption bridge when I get there :wink:


Re: Macbook Retina A1534 NAND

March 11th, 2023, 5:14

At the past I found ECC for some iphones as I remember. You can share with me 20 blocks from nand, I will check. But it could be LDPC.

Re: Macbook Retina A1534 NAND

March 13th, 2023, 12:12

arvika wrote:At the past I found ECC for some iphones as I remember. You can share with me 20 blocks from nand, I will check. But it could be LDPC.

I've uploaded 25 blocks here from the dump.

Thank you for taking a look!

Re: Macbook Retina A1534 NAND

March 13th, 2023, 15:37

What page size you use? Did you cut blocks from the beggining of block? What reader do you use to read dump?

Re: Macbook Retina A1534 NAND

March 13th, 2023, 16:52

arvika wrote:What page size you use? Did you cut blocks from the beggining of block? What reader do you use to read dump?

Using VNR. Got config from looking up ID and double checked with JEDEC config in VNR.

Re: Macbook Retina A1534 NAND

March 13th, 2023, 17:37

Sector 4440 -> 4096_18_326. Such big sector usually means LDPC, or here it could be also Apple propetiary correction. Another challange will be encryption by controller + encryption by filesystem.
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