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Dead SK hynix NVMe - Any chance of saving?

April 3rd, 2024, 0:17

Hey People - Wondering if any one here can assist.

I recently had a SK hynix die on me during a backup and now i cannot get it to register. I have limited knowledge of electronics, although i have worked in IT for a very long time. I caught this post ( where fzabkar goes through solving the issue.

I'm wondering if anyone in this forum (or fzabkar?) could guide me through trying to identify if there has been an electronic failure on the drive (do you even still call it that).

I would of course consider taking it to a data recovery expert, but from what i can see the upfront costs and the lack of support for SK Hynix on the most common tools suggests that ill get charged upfront with a small likeliness of success.

If anyone could point me in the right direction for how to identify the cause and resolve it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
SK Hynix Lable.jpg
SK Hynix - Label
SK Hynix - Front.jpg
SK Hynix - Front
SK Hynix - Back.jpg
SK Hynix - Back

Re: Dead SK hynix NVMe - Any chance of saving?

April 3rd, 2024, 3:36

That other thread identifies the 4 voltage test points around the SM6741 IC and the single test point at the SLO IC. Your SSD has the same two ICs, so start by measuring those voltages.

Re: Dead SK hynix NVMe - Any chance of saving?

April 3rd, 2024, 13:02

These are the test points (V1 - V5).

The D0, D1 and GND pins appear to be a diagnostic port. You could connect an RS232 TTL-USB adaptor to these pads. The GND pad can be your 0V reference for your Vn voltage measurements.

Investigation of SK Hynix SSD (SH88800AA controller):
terminal.jpg (18.11 KiB) Viewed 911 times
reg1.jpg (41.44 KiB) Viewed 911 times

Re: Dead SK hynix NVMe - Any chance of saving?

April 3rd, 2024, 18:45

To me it looks like DO and DI, not D0 and D1. Which would be DATA-OUT and DATA-IN, which sounds like a UART to me.

Re: Dead SK hynix NVMe - Any chance of saving?

April 15th, 2024, 0:03

Oki Doki - Apoloiges for the delayed response, but i needed some help to test this stuff. Here is what i have:

-No voltage on any inductors

Put some power through pins 74,72,70 and tried to trace through the board - i believe there could be a dead TVS diode (The one marked in red - TVS?)

I get continuity from power pins to one side of the diode, and i can get continuity from the other side of the diode to the sms6741 pins indicated in the image, but nothing across the diode. Is this normal? Am i correct to think that the diode is dead and to replace?

Also, if it sounds like i have no idea what im talking about - its because i'm really a bit out of my depth so the more information you could provide the better. Thanks a heap, really appreciate it!!
Dead Diode.jpg
Dead TVS diode?
SM6741 pins.jpg
Pins traced from diode to sms6741

Re: Dead SK hynix NVMe - Any chance of saving?

April 15th, 2024, 2:06

Can you measure the voltages on the Vin and En pins of the SLO chip?

TLV62084, Texas Instruments, marking SLO, 2A High Efficient Step Down Converter, 2x2mm WSON, 8-pin, 2.7 - 6V Input:
TLV62084_SLO_pinout.png (24.2 KiB) Viewed 605 times
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