
Generic 15GB monolith USB - RAW, cannot format
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Author:  kotel [ September 29th, 2024, 9:06 ]
Post subject:  Generic 15GB monolith USB - RAW, cannot format


While back I got an generic 15GB monolith USB drive, which later became slow and died. I have already backed up the data from it. Formatting it from windows format tool (or whatever its called) ends me with windows couldn't complete the formatting process. Formatting from diskpart ends me up with I/O error. In diskmgmt options to create/format/delete are greyed out. It also has a RAW partition. I would like to squeeze some life out of it before it ends as scrap. Unfortunately my skills aren't enough to "repair" it, so I'm asking you guys for some help.

Author:  Lukas [ October 4th, 2024, 5:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Generic 15GB monolith USB - RAW, cannot format

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