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Discussions related to PC-3000
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Re: Data Extractor RAID Edition

June 3rd, 2009, 9:02

He he! Come on guys! The most important thing is the quality. We just need to compare two products then decide, not crying PC-3000 RAID is the best, or Salvation is free and the best. It seems there are too many workers from Salvation here :) Why not to support your customers instead of writing baseless judgements here? I do not have both products at the same time to compare, so I won't cry who is the best and who is the first. Does anyone has them both? Please share your opinion :idea:

Re: Data Extractor RAID Edition

June 8th, 2009, 12:15

Not to dispute who is first, who is stealing who's technology, most software developers in mind that simply do not need RAID rebuild those things, WINHEX can get to an operator of the technology, rather than the tool itself!
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