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PCB Test with Universal Utillities

September 21st, 2007, 21:48

Hello Guys,

I am courious about the Controller checking functions located in the Universal utilities.
Especially: Cyclic NOP Sending, BUS Test, HDD cache RAm Test.
Could anyone explain what an incorrect output from these tests would look like and what they indicate?

Thank you so much.

Re: PCB Test with Universal Utillities

October 1st, 2007, 11:52

same question.
hi,guys,who has the manual of pci3000's Universal Utillities(v2.21 or above)which i seek for ages .and also would like to share with me ?in return to this,i will offer you something interesting.

Re: PCB Test with Universal Utillities

October 1st, 2007, 11:57


Re: PCB Test with Universal Utillities

March 16th, 2008, 14:59

Hi Guys ,
Did you Exchange That or something interesting with each other humm ,me interested also for a pm


Re: PCB Test with Universal Utillities

April 13th, 2008, 16:53

if a certain manual concerns 3k that you are looking for at the moment.i would like to share it with you guys.pm or write me in the thread ,gather together on the learning way.
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