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PING: ACE LABS: What is going on???

April 7th, 2008, 3:05

I tried to start up PC3000 PCI this morning.

I was told it was no longer valid.

I tried to send a new licence request.

I was told my IP address had been "blacklisted."

Can you explain?

Is this yet another example of your strange behaviour in the international arena?

I have emailed your company, but have my doubts that a response will be forthcoming in the following weeks - if at all.

Duncan Clarke
Serial no 001015

Re: PING: ACE LABS: What is going on???

April 7th, 2008, 4:41

Have you tried the option to create the request and send it by email manually? Then login to your update box?

I always have problems doing it any other way.

Re: PING: ACE LABS: What is going on???

April 7th, 2008, 8:49

Dear Duncan,

We've checked our server right now. The last license request we've received from you is dated 03.07.2007. Today we haven't received any request for the license.
Please send it in the attachment as a usual e-mail to lic@acelab.ru. It will be generated automatically to you within 15 minutes.

As you know, because of the overloadings in the Internet, our server always generates the copy of the license to your update box. You can find it there.

If you do not receive the license in 2 hours, please contact our Technical Support Service TS@acelab.ru

Best regards,
ACE Lab Team

P S By default the license request is sent directly to our server of license. And many Internet providers can cut such requests. That's why in your case we recommend you to use the second or the third variant of the request when the request is formed as a file and sent in the attachment in the usual e-mail lic@acelab.ru.

P P S It is strange that you publish that message here and do not contact our company. Do you want license? :)

Re: PING: ACE LABS: What is going on???

April 8th, 2008, 2:34

Everyone reading this thread.

ACE Labs - Thank you - you did sort it out in an very efficient manner, within the hour.

However, I was rather rumbled when I was told that your server had blacklisted my IP address. It's hardly normal.

But thanks anyway - it's up and running again.

Re: PING: ACE LABS: What is going on???

April 8th, 2008, 3:47

Just for info, it happens to me too. Last year my provider was blacklisted by spam.ru. Nothing related to acelab. I had to change provider to send the license. A solution is to use internet email functions.

Re: PING: ACE LABS: What is going on???

April 16th, 2008, 0:22


if this happends always not good for acelab.
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