Discussions related to PC-3000
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Re: WD my book encryption

January 28th, 2021, 22:39

After going through the topics and trace a little bit on the circuit it's found that the step down at U3 (RT8060A) was damaged. the Vin stays with 5V but no output. I'm going to replace it and see if it works...

Re: WD my book encryption

January 29th, 2021, 9:43

no success after switching U3 by putting the same component from a donor board. There's voltage outputting from the U3 now but it's as low as 0.9v. Suppose to be 2.5v. :( Any ideas?

Re: WD my book encryption

January 29th, 2021, 10:51

It was bad soldering
Reapply solder again and drive came back to live!!! Yay!!
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