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ST2000LM007 HELP

September 27th, 2023, 5:49

Hi guys i got this strange case with an ST2000LM007-1R8174 . originally with BSY problem. i managed to rewrite modules and sys files of COPY 1 to COPY 0 however i cannot ready module 93 of copy 0 not even in terminal model slow speed.
strange but i can write some les important modules to COPY 0....
do you think is a weak head?
actually i can clone only with active pc-3000 utility mode but veeeery slow...... and any time i do soft reset i got some SA reading error eror and sometime SA reading errors are not found!....
should i replace the heads? i didnt play with translator....

any advice will be welcome

peace and love

Re: ST2000LM007 HELP

September 27th, 2023, 14:38

should i replace the heads? No,
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