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In-depth technology research: finding new ways to recover data, accessing firmware, writing programs, reading bits off the platter, recovering data from dust.

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Please do not post questions about data recovery cases here (use this forum instead). This forum is for topics on finding new ways to recover data. Accessing firmware, writing programs, reading bits off the platter, recovering data from dust...
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Re: Develop the new software for writing ROM for Seagate F3

June 22nd, 2020, 18:42

Stealing is a relative term. We dont' live on deserted island. Linus Torvalds did not write a "new" OS - he copied all basic concepts from unix sources shared by his university. Did he steal the code? Did Bill Gates create MS-DOS from scratch, never looking on CP/M? Did Numega get windows internals used in Softice from MS? Did PC3K get HDD internals from manufacturers? Did all they steal the code?
Nothing, except 'Z1 computer', is build "from scratch"

Re: Develop the new software for writing ROM for Seagate F3

June 23rd, 2020, 4:28

these are 2 different things imo.
- to look at some product and create something similar on your own
- and to peek into code samples and steal the basic implementation of a function.

the difference is the research you do and it is very easy to steal something and then pose yourself as our saviour to share your 'researches'.
Not quite ethic i think.
If you wanna build a util that can read and write ROM on F3 drives, take the time and look into the original fw, find the parts that are associated with these functions and write your code yourself, then publish it (if you want after all that).
I know exactly what it takes, it is possible, i built it too.
It is not neccessary to get docs from manufacturers to implement any function, i get no such thing either, still developed quite a few things myself.
I am not against building such tools, but this way is is not ethic and it has nothing to do with research.
I believe you have the skills to do this research yourself, and you don't need to steal info from others.


Re: Develop the new software for writing ROM for Seagate F3

June 24th, 2020, 1:46

the most important parts of all answers is summed up by a part of what pepe said:


opinions and laws, and interpretations of both are a neverending source of discussion... mostly fruitless. (IMHO!)

Re: Develop the new software for writing ROM for Seagate F3

June 24th, 2020, 10:17

i am just bothered by using the term 'research' for sniffing code that others developed.


Re: Develop the new software for writing ROM for Seagate F3

July 9th, 2020, 7:21

Hello friends i tried but failed to add rom writing code in this tool , i request to help and add code in my (F3 ST hdd tool) and improve it and share with me , this is test version ,with the help of Delphi free community version 10.3 with free comport library , plz test this software only on bad sector Seagate F3 11 12 series disk without any data,

plz Someone add this below written code in my this project and share
(1)ROM writing and reading in boot mode (2) support for zoc script (3)Auto zone AFT adjustment (4) sys module backup and writing in ATA mode (5) Head cut (6) Auto Zone and sub Zone cut during scanning (7) enable serial by patching Rom(8) scanning better than Victoria
(9) Rom generation (10) for data Recovery
list is very long but in start up it is primary requirement ,

thank in advance for your cooperation
F3 ST HDDGURU tool.jpg
(1.01 MiB) Downloaded 1098 times

Re: Develop the new software for writing ROM for Seagate F3

April 11th, 2023, 20:57

Repair_master, greetings how did it go in the ROM project
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