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Samsung HM160HC serial interface

September 9th, 2009, 2:16


I have several Samsung HM160HC drives I decided to play around with. I found it interesting to read that these drives have a serial interface and now I would like to connect to it and listen what the drive is telling when spinning up. Can one of you tell me to which pads I need to connect? Any additional information (about the possibilities one has with the serial interface [how to interpret the information the drive sends, terminal commands, etc...] or any interesting information about the drive itself) would also be great.


Re: Samsung HM160HC serial interface

September 9th, 2009, 14:04

How much do you pay ? :mrgreen:

There's little to do with terminal , unless you know the GUTS of these drives (and there's little or no info around, EXCEPT for those who have done research on them.... 8)
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