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In-depth technology research: finding new ways to recover data, accessing firmware, writing programs, reading bits off the platter, recovering data from dust.

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dusty situation

January 13th, 2023, 0:27

Just opened up a Seagate drive and found a considerable amount of metal dust inside.
I'm told this is most likely platter material from a head scraping the surface.
So now, this drive is my cadaver to experiment on.

Browsing some posts here, it sounds like the platters and heads can be cleaned with liquid or ultrasonic?
How does one go about this? Dry wipe with some HFE-1700? 99.9% alcohol?
What if the head is scraping the dark side of the platter? There's no way to get to the underside unless the platter is removed, right ?

Re: dusty situation

January 14th, 2023, 17:27

Do you really want to start experimenting on a heavily media damage Seagate drive?

Buy a western digital and damage it, then experiment on it.
Some Seagate drives are a nightmare even without heavy damage, let alone one that you can see metal dust :P
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