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In-depth technology research: finding new ways to recover data, accessing firmware, writing programs, reading bits off the platter, recovering data from dust.

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Firmware in need!

June 9th, 2008, 8:08

Hello all...

Iam in need of these three FW:
1. Barracuda 7200.10, 160 Gbytes, 9RA1EAFX, ST3160815A, 3.AAC, From Tailand
2. Barracuda 7200.9, 160 Gbytes, 5LS4D0NR, ST3160212A, 3.AAE, From China
3. Barracuda 7200.7, 160 Gbytes, 5LJ0EC6H, ST3160021A, 8.01, From China

I will apreciate any help.

Pedro E.

Re: Firmware in need!

June 9th, 2008, 10:46

try their web site surely they should have it on their downloads where it was built is most likely irrelvent , or try google just type fimeware barcula...etc, see if you get any response.

Re: Firmware in need!

June 9th, 2008, 11:37

they are seagate HDD you have to go to their web site

Re: Firmware in need!

June 9th, 2008, 12:18

thanks for answering my post.

I already downloaded all the FW that Salvation Data has on their website.
but I could not find those three.
I went here:

Is there anyother website I can go to where i can get those FW?

any help will be greatly apreciated.

Pedro E.

Re: Firmware in need!

June 9th, 2008, 12:31


Try http://files.hddguru.com/download/PC-30 ... /Firmware/


Re: Firmware in need!

June 9th, 2008, 12:36

thanks alot dobrevjetser I will check the link inmediately.

Re: Firmware in need!

June 9th, 2008, 13:32

Here, I've uploaded.


http://files.hddguru.com/download/Non-P ... te/Alpine/

Re: Firmware in need!

June 9th, 2008, 14:19

I really apreicate it PCimage.

No is a matter of keep searching on the forums data base to see it I come up with the other 2.

Re: Firmware in need!

August 4th, 2008, 2:28

Most of my friends buy FW from website and feel hard to find one suitable, but where exists a better place for that?

Re: Firmware in need!

August 4th, 2008, 2:50

I also want to know where can buy firmware? :D
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