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Wanted: PCB for WD800BB-00DKA0 (Board #: 2061-001159-100)

November 25th, 2008, 20:49

It looks like the U7 chip got fried - causes a short and the power supply switches off immediately when the computer is turned on.
The sticker on the IDE port reads 2061-001159-100 BD1, while the numbers on the board itself are 2061-001159-003 REV P1.
Can any one help? Also, does anybody know whether I will need to swap the firmware chips on this one?

Re: Wanted: PCB for WD800BB-00DKA0 (Board #: 2061-001159-100)

November 25th, 2008, 22:53

i have this PCB, please contact me if you need. sunnydreamspace@hotmail.com

Re: Wanted: PCB for WD800BB-00DKA0 (Board #: 2061-001159-100)

November 26th, 2008, 13:37

I have this PCB.

I also have a good ROM for the WD800BB-00DKA0 I can program the PCB with.

The PCB I send you will be tested with my known working WD800BB-00DKAO drive.

This "should" work for you, but if it doesn't you will have to move the 8-legged ROM chip from yours.

PM me if interested.

Re: Wanted: PCB for WD800BB-00DKA0 (Board #: 2061-001159-100)

November 26th, 2008, 18:01

To all that replied - thank you. I need to make a small correction - the number on the board is 2060-001159-003 (vs. 2061-001159-100 on the sticker).

Re: Wanted: PCB for WD800BB-00DKA0 (Board #: 2061-001159-100)

November 27th, 2008, 6:49

I know it is! ;-)

Re: Wanted: PCB for WD800BB-00DKA0 (Board #: 2061-001159-100)

November 27th, 2008, 14:35

I have it to .
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