Big inventories of hard drives (more than 100) should go into this section

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You may only create a new topic if you have more than 100 hard drives for sale. For other offers please use this forum: Buy&Sell parts, hard drives, etc
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1300+ Hard drives

August 4th, 2014, 8:49

I have more than 1300 hard drives in stock. PM me requests and I'll get back to you.

Re: 1300+ Hard drives

October 3rd, 2014, 9:09

Here is a listing of some of the hard drives. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. We will continue to grow this list.
(195.42 KiB) Downloaded 2564 times

Re: 1300+ Hard drives

December 15th, 2016, 14:01

MattM, Looking for the following but not limited to:

SAS Hard Drives all makes and models
Do you have any info

Re: 1300+ Hard drives

April 28th, 2017, 6:33

MattM, do you also have more recent drives for sale ?
Looks like most of the drives in your Excel file are old ones, most with very small capacity.
In the Excel file, it would be useful to have one more column telling if the drives have SATA or IDE interface, as well as a column telling in which condition each drive is (SMART 100% OK ?, Surface checked ?, a.s.o.).
I also observed some errors in the file.
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