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Hitachi Doctor Update

June 14th, 2013, 4:09

For those of you that have a Hitachi Doctor, there is an update to the software at:

Hitachi Doctor New Program 5.0

http://forum.salvationdata.com/viewtopi ... =39&t=3350

Program version: 5.0
Update date: June 14, 2013

We are happy to claim the following features were released in Hitachi Doctor 5.0 version:

I. Support ARM series drives 7275,7232A7,7250A7,5432A7,ALA3,CLA3,DLE6,BLA6

New Features for ARM series drives:
1. read/write mods, A zone and B zone mods read/write, support mods UBA reading
2. NVRAM edit/read/write
3. password clear (by program mods database)
4. smart reset
5. drive info modification
6. drive scan, zerofill and sector view
7. p list and g list view

II. Added support for 4210 and 5450kt series:
All program functions supported for 4210 and 5450kt series

III. Support 2TB drive scan and sector view

Update instruction and case study for ARM drives unlocking: pls download below attachment


Instruction & Case study [1.47 MiB]

just thought Id let people know in case they are not following over at their forums. now they can get stuck into the Flash Doctor update ;-)



Re: Hitachi Doctor Update

June 14th, 2013, 4:17

Hi HaQue

The Flash Doctor is the least eheheheh
There is alot of work to be done by SD to recover our confidence again...
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