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 Post subject: Recommended Manuals for SSD Data Recovery from scratch
PostPosted: December 9th, 2024, 7:43 

Joined: December 9th, 2024, 7:22
Posts: 1
Location: United Kingdom
Hi all, I've been working in Forensics for year and the only data recovery I do is if you can image the devioce and see the data in EnCase or FKT then you can export it. Apart from thet using commercial tools such as Recuva are my limit. But I know its a limitation of my knowledge. More recently I am getting SSD technology passed to me and I'm finding that onboard controllers are dead or unresponsive, but I know the data must be there as TRIM has most likely not kicked in.

So, what I am after is any reference links or book recommendations that I can get a good understanding of SSD technology and how to do effective DR without going to the point of "chip off" where I can send that to the pros. I've looked at Atola and PC3000 and I don't get enough work to warrant the expense, but I would like to have a better understanding to say I know how these things work and I've done as much as I can in-house, it needs to go to the pros.

Your advice and guidance is very much appreciated.

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