Discussions related to DFL tools: general chat, firmware requests
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Re: How are Dolphin tools in general?

June 29th, 2018, 4:27

Spildit wrote:I think that you can get away without PC-3000 for the majority of firmware fixes.

Big advantage of PC-3000 would be the support for the newer drives and firmware access / unlocking on modern drives like Seagate with locked terminal, etc ... Also ACE keeps PC-3000 updated most likely faster than other tools. Other tools most likely will check what PC-3000 do to update themselfs...

But if you are working with outdated drives or doing stuff like refurb used drives you can get awaye without PC-3000 as long as you do "avoid" the drives that your tools do not support....

We have a new function--Virtual Start(see details in our Forum or website), which is realeased by MRT first in 2017, MRT VS PC3000, MRT +1 score here:)

@data-medics Have you tried Virtual Start? By virtual start, you don't have to use tweezers to repair Seagate anymore. Fully recommend you to have a try, hoping that you will get a totally different experience than before, please refer to the details and viedos in our forum or website.

Re: How are Dolphin tools in general?

June 29th, 2018, 18:17

@MRT, Great!

@General, my perspective suggests all tools are unique in some or the other way. What excites me further is how these folks are
so good with embedded systems.

to me it is simply heartwarming and goose-bumpy if that is a word.

Be it DeepSpar, DFL,MRT, PC3K, all folks are pretty good and competitive. Ultimately its on the user to make the best out of them.


Re: How are Dolphin tools in general?

November 27th, 2018, 4:33

Although not as good as PC3000, MRT and ATOLA
But it is pretty good compared to other software. :D

Re: How are Dolphin tools in general?

December 4th, 2018, 2:44

for beginners, DFL still can be a good option, not that inferior to the other tools such as PC 3000, MRT or other tools not mentioned here

Re: How are Dolphin tools in general?

February 26th, 2019, 15:23

Spildit wrote:
sin wrote:Spildit, I am not on a suicide mission. I get super confused with MRT.
DFL is so simple in comparison

Ok, but i do get the impression that MRT is cheaper and more powerfull ...

I might be wrong.

Also to do simple stuff that doesn't require major data extraction you might get away with SeDiv + something like DDI4 for imaging.

Again you will not be able to decrypt on the fly or unlock latest Seagates, etc ... but it's better than nothing and it will be way cheaper than other alternatives ...
Cheaper no. DFL DDP 2999 with RAID. MRT Express full 3800 but with 24 months payment. The risk is lower but not cheaper.
More powerful? Maybe.

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