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Toshiba mSD 8GGB 98DE9892

April 3rd, 2022, 23:50

Hi, got this mSD 8GB that i'm stuck with. Dump looks quite good when i see SA but ECC i found gets me this strange pattern. Like 2 blocks are bad one good etc. It looks like dynamic XOR but i'm stuck on dump correction.
Does anyone have a clue what might be wrong here?
It's a 98DE989272D7 DDR.
Bez tytułu.png

Re: Toshiba mSD 8GGB 98DE9892

April 4th, 2022, 2:13

Bad dump quality. Use RR.

Re: Toshiba mSD 8GGB 98DE9892

April 4th, 2022, 2:55

No RR works here. Nor in PC3k, FE or VNR.
Best RR was in FE but when constant read green blocks are random.
In VNR as usual - it doesn't work

Re: Toshiba mSD 8GGB 98DE9892

April 4th, 2022, 3:40

You can send me 10 blocks, I will check.

Re: Toshiba mSD 8GGB 98DE9892

April 4th, 2022, 4:49

arvika wrote:You can send me 10 blocks, I will check.


Re: Toshiba mSD 8GGB 98DE9892

April 4th, 2022, 6:25

Look on the screens.

At VNR you can see bit errors on XOR block (random "dots" at regullar pattern).
At FE you can see bit errors after apply XOR.

It is bad dump quality and RR should help. This ID usually is very easy to correct. Try find problem why RR not work.
SGData_2.jpg (179.93 KiB) Viewed 13221 times

Re: Toshiba mSD 8GGB 98DE9892

April 4th, 2022, 7:18

Try play with voltage. Or set slow reading. Usually help.

Re: Toshiba mSD 8GGB 98DE9892

April 4th, 2022, 8:19

Tried that too. VNR just says RR not found(RR10 used) or that it's found but doesn't work - when i stop and start it looses ID. Generaly, when i use RR in VNR it doesn't work.

Re: Toshiba mSD 8GGB 98DE9892

April 4th, 2022, 8:52

You can prepare remote access with ammyy. Connect chip to FE reader first. Send photo how chip is connected (reader-adapter).

Re: Toshiba mSD 8GGB 98DE9892

May 4th, 2022, 2:33

melvin wrote:Tried that too. VNR just says RR not found(RR10 used) or that it's found but doesn't work - when i stop and start it looses ID. Generaly, when i use RR in VNR it doesn't work.

Hello ,
In VNR you can select sections were you want RR to be analysed ,Have you tried this please .
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