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ST500DM002-1BD142 3F Pharaoh (DOS)CMP Count ,(DOS)STE OGHT

January 20th, 2023, 5:00


I never seen this kind of problem on ST500DM002-1BD142 3F Pharaoh, 7200.12.

Below works fine/OK :
> SA, Hdd is Ready, no clicking, spindle spin normal, user area check end to end, terminal accessible.

But :
> Initially hdd detected by pc very slow.
> LBA Scan, 25% first LBA is response to yellow/delay, the rest 75% is normal.

Terminal displayed at first initial:

(DOS)STE OGHT: 0x001F546E - 0x001F65CB - 0x00000C47 - 0x00000C5B Count 0055
(DOS)CMP Count 0055
(DOS)STE OGHT: 0x00201624 - 0x002020D3 - 0x00000C47 - 0x00000C5B Count 0055
(DOS)CMP Count 0055

Hours Google, nobody talk about this.

Just try to MRT DE, first scan, stuck yellow/delay, but next scan it can finished wirh completed green till finished, unfortunately I can not open the file as none of partition appear.

Thanks for help

Re: ST500DM002-1BD142 3F Pharaoh (DOS)CMP Count ,(DOS)STE OG

January 20th, 2023, 7:49

if you were able to clone the user area, check the data manually in hex editor, try to identify metadata (FS type, important FS objects) or scan with some logical recovery tool.
I would certainly start off with checking it manually.
try running a raw scan to see if there are any file headers.
That DOS message is not an error i think.

Re: ST500DM002-1BD142 3F Pharaoh (DOS)CMP Count ,(DOS)STE OG

January 20th, 2023, 17:53

Have you try the AFH option ?
In some case it will help to read better when heads can't read well in some zones.

Re: ST500DM002-1BD142 3F Pharaoh (DOS)CMP Count ,(DOS)STE OG

January 21st, 2023, 1:54

pepe, Spildit, michael chiklis ,

I will proceed your suggestion, I will get back which one is works.

Thanks for reply.

Re: ST500DM002-1BD142 3F Pharaoh (DOS)CMP Count ,(DOS)STE OG

January 23rd, 2023, 1:03

pepe, Spildit, michael chiklis

First chance, I proceed suggestion from michael chiklis, and it works. [SOLVED]
I am not yet proceed what suggestion from pepe and Spildit.

What I am done on MRT
Tools > Disk Repair Tools > Identify Area Adaptive Parameter

I follow what exactly MRT video guide :

DE about 95%, some area initially bad sectors, I ignore these area as most data is recovered.
In my case AFH option is working well.

Thank you for All.

Re: ST500DM002-1BD142 3F Pharaoh (DOS)CMP Count ,(DOS)STE OG

January 23rd, 2023, 17:46

Nice :)
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